Meursault, the insertions for 29, 30 and 33 are in 'felon,' 'Tring'' and 'parade'.
I'm inclined to agree with you and s_pugh. Some of these clues are unsolvable without letters already in the grid. In the end it's often a case of using a computer or online program to see what will fit the letter pattern then struggle to fit one of the options into the clue. Not really my idea of fun. I know some enjoy PD clues but judging by comments I think they may be in the minority. To my mind they are best consigned to a museum of cruciverbal curiosities or reserved for clue competitions.
I don't wish to denigrate the setter as some of these clues are very clever, but on the whole I didn't enjoy the puzzle as much as thought I would mainly because it was a slow progression of trial and error.