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13th March 2018, 11:29
"..... redeeming features."
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13th March 2018, 11:46
Doh! 'urbaner' the comparative of 'urbane' obviously.
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13th March 2018, 11:54
I ended up with 'ionic' for your other one - works a lot better than my original 'sonic'.
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13th March 2018, 12:34
Uncle_w - it has to be ionic or the P D won't work.
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13th March 2018, 12:38
PetitION I Can send...
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13th March 2018, 12:44
I am pretty new to this forum but have used it quite a bit to help me puzzle my way through my first Listener crosswords so thanks to you all for your helpful posts over the last few months
For this puzzle I think I have managed to do it all on my ownsome before looking at the forum but would appreciate if someone could explain 7ac and the definition which I assume is 24 fast h(t)ours. That doesn’t have much to do with the word I have fitted in which apparently means Assyrian alphabet (or poss8ble Noah’s pudding if it ends in e not i.
And for the record I rather like PDs - but I suppose it takes all sorts.
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13th March 2018, 12:52
Eschenmoser welcome! 7a is indeed 24 fast hours as in 24 hours of fasting. The answer is a Muslim day of fasting. A followed by quiet (sh) area (a) east of (to the right of) ancient city (Ur).
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13th March 2018, 12:57
eschenmoser, your definition is correct but the last letter is A, the 10th day of a Shiite fast period
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13th March 2018, 13:10
Oh! Thanks both. I thought it ended in i to fit with not getting enough chips at 11d. But chaps is better!
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13th March 2018, 14:31
Thanks pka1/smartie for correcting me. I hadn't realised that you could spell 'daemon' with an 'i' in place of 'e'. ( No wonder I couldn't make sense of the PD part.)
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