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23rd April 2017, 19:14
14 - Look up toxophilite; where is there one ona circus?
46 - Anagram
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23rd April 2017, 19:16
Sorry should have said this is for smirnoffbabe 19th April 2017
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23rd April 2017, 19:57
For Cherry!
Manchester is a city in the North-West of England!
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24th April 2017, 20:17
Bump to top of page.
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26th April 2017, 15:03
Hello Winnie and anyone else who is still following the posts ;in this quiz. I have now solved the remaining three questions in my previous request for help. Thank you JOB 1980. So on with the motley! Please, please send me helpful clues to the following questions 15,17,58 and 87.Thank you all in advance, I am not too well at the moment. Regards CHASM.
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26th April 2017, 15:40
Hints, big hints, have been given for the questions you've listed. There are five or six additional clues for 17 and seven massive hints (including a step-by-step guide to the answer) for 87.

PS. Hope you feel better soon.
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26th April 2017, 19:53
Q15 horse is as tot would say outside of word in clue plus homophone for the number
Q22 think of old newspaper world and google last four letters of first word and
Q47 prime ........ passes through London

And for the quiz police using this site is for research and dare I say it further education. Picking up knowledge

While I'm at it help for 31,50 and 58 would be appreciated
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26th April 2017, 21:11
Ignore first part of last post forum comes up reversed when signed in
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26th April 2017, 22:33
It's also called a Crossword forum which is what it used to be. Not a site where easier and easier clues are given till they might as well be answers. That isn't further education it's being spoonfed.
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24th May 2017, 10:37
Please can anyone give me a clue for 68 (Rare newt with no gill was mounted on the plinth in the park)? I'm baffled. Thanks.
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