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16th February 2016, 11:56
Pigale, good!
6211 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th February 2016, 11:57
Shall we share a high five then, Pigale?
6212 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th February 2016, 11:58
Why not, except that Rusty has not had a go yet - went to get his paper?
6213 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th February 2016, 12:02
Perhaps he took the scenic route!
Family just arrived - must disappear for a while.........
6214 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th February 2016, 12:06
Malone, not sure at all, but has one word got anything to do with a part of the face?
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16th February 2016, 12:09
Yes, pigale, there's a part of the face in there.
6216 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th February 2016, 12:22
Then I am happy !
6217 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th February 2016, 12:33
Hello, Pigale!
You are correct with "hens teeth"!
I knew it meant something!
And, no, I have not attempted the crossword so far.
It is dullish, but cold here.
Think we have snow forecast.
Not so good!
6218 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th February 2016, 12:44
Hello, Elle!
Hell's bells, I know, hell's teeth I am not so sure of!
Another old phrase came into my head (I wonder at times what is going on in there!) "As black as Earl Haig's waistcoat."
Must have seen it in one of my WW1 books.
Not sure why Haig's waistcoat was selected, though.
Lyn McDonald will know!
"As black as my boot", or "as black as the ace of Spades", is more usual with me.
I have not tackled the crossword yet.
I hear the Cockneys are to the fore again!
6219 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th February 2016, 16:59
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Whew! I am taking a well earned break!
We have been playing "Sorry" and "Happy Families".
I have never heard of "as black as Earl Haig's waistcoat"? That is a new one on me! Are we talking Douglas Haig, here?
The most common ones I have heard and would use are "as black as coal/ pitch /soot or the ace of spades"!
Did you do your crossword? - how did you make out with the clue in contention this morning? I managed it but had a problem with "punch" meaning "chin"!
I had to consult Anne B!
The Cockney part was okay - I got that bit first!
It has been glorious all day here - what has it been like up your way? Have you been out for a walk?
Oops! I can hear the word "Grandma" coming from somewhere.............better go later......
6220 of 30765  -   Report This Post