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9th February 2016, 12:20
Hello, Elle!
I think this is the third £1 trial I have had with Which.
You can accesss everything on the website and they send you magazines. After a month, unless you tell them otherwise, they start taking money from your bank for membership.
Previously I have told them to cancel after three weeks.
Great value for a £1!
I do feel a bit of a chancer doing this though, as if I was taking advantage of Which, but it is their idea, so...
I think you are correct, Elle, regarding "clearing the decks".
Everything extra in Hudl is gone!
I had several browsers and launchers.
Only thing I had to do extra, was "configure" WiFi settings to "recognise" Adblock. But that was easy enough.
All good, so far!
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9th February 2016, 13:14
Elle, Surely the Vet would have advised me, wouldn't you think?

Otherwise, I might raise my voice as you did yesterday about Hotpoint !!! But no, she did say it was either/or .
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9th February 2016, 14:00
Pigale, I really don't know?
I only know that as from this April, tattooing is no longer considered legal tender for dogs - they must be microchipped.
Our vet has said that he expects the same to happen here for cats in the near future. But this is not the Law as yet.
I only mentioned it as I thought if there were a possibility that such might happen, it would save you more money in the long run, if you had your kits microchipped now?
Not wishing to alarm you but worth checking out ?
And could it be different here than in France? - or is this something that happens legally across the board?
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9th February 2016, 14:13
Hi, Rusty!
It is good that your Hudl is now behaving itself! the only hiccough I get with mine is this continual "Server Error" that kicks does happen fairly frequently, but I never have to take any action...if I wait a few minutes - sometimes annoyingly up to five - then it works normally again.
I keep meaning to run this by my daughter - either one - maybe the elder as she will be staying here for several days as from Tuesday next week.
If I hit on a solution, I will tell you!
I don't know what you mean by "configuring WiFi settings" for Adblock? I just installed Adblock on mine without doing anything?
Works fine!

Our weather has "blossomed" - the sun is shining, the sky is blue......the dog is ready and waiting.......
Off out now for a short walk...... back in a while!
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9th February 2016, 15:42
Good afternoon, Elle!
The Tesco Helpline would sort you out with your "server error", if it was a problem? A phone call should do it.
Or, try a "soft" reset, yourself?
They fixed my BTmail problem by dumping BTmail and installing myMail which is much better than BTmail and their archaic system.
When I downloaded Adblockplus yesterday, it installed it, then told me it cannot "configure" wifi settings and would I please do it instead, or similar. So, me being an obliging chap, I followed Adblock's instructions and had to type "localhost" and port "2030" (I think!) into wifi settings and that was that.
Still great weather here.
The Lord is shining upon us!

Hello, Pigale!
Did you get the kittens home yet?
Hope they are recovering well!
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9th February 2016, 16:17
Hi again,

No Rusty, I will not get the kittens back until tomorrow - The vet in the village is an antenna of the main clinic in a larger town 22km away - they got their op in that town and a Vet will bring them back to the village antenna tomorrow.

I took their food for to-night and tomorrow morning because I did not want a change of diet - I suppose they will be starving, they have not eaten anything since 11pm yesterday, and they are gannets !

I shall give the Vet a ring later on this evening anyway.

Weather still despicable and due to remain so until tomorrow evening ! The wind does not know from which direction it wants to blow; I hope the rain does some good to the garden as we were much too dry for this time of the year.
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9th February 2016, 16:43
Hi, Rusty!
We had a lovely walk - the sun shone the entire time!
It isn't going dark as early any more, is it? Just gone 4.30 and still plenty of daylight!
What a sudden ( and pleasant!) change!
I've had the Adblock on my Hudl for over a year - never come up against Wifi?
I did have to reinstall Adblock a couple of times when it stopped working, but it was quickly solved.
I had a nice surprise when I got home....lying on the inside doormat was my replacement crossword book from World of Books!
A very clean Times Cryptic Crossword book totally untouched!! Nary a single crossword had been completed this time around!
Nicely packaged too!
W of B are good like that, aren't they?
Are you having pancakes for tea?
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9th February 2016, 19:12
Hello, Pigale!
All seems to be well organised with the kittens.
You will be glad to get them home tomorrow.
Sorry to hear about your weather.
I am lucky. Been a smashing day here.
It is meant to get colder, though!
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9th February 2016, 19:24
Greetings, Elle!
I had a fine walk, too.
Great weather here.
Strange about Adblock and Hudl being different on our machines?
But, I have to alter WiFi settings as Adblock won't do it.
We may have different WiFi suppliers, or somesuch?
Anyway, it is beyond my ken!
I think your first puzzle book from World of Books was a blunder by someone, and now you are back to normal first class service!
No pancakes for me.
I did not purchase any.
I had venison sausages in the slow cooker and they were mighty fine, too!
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9th February 2016, 20:29
Hey, Rusty!
Yes, it's certainly been a beautiful day after a wet beginning - although it is damp again now.......drizzling rather than "proper" rain.
How far did you walk this afternoon?
We drove up to Crystal Palace and had a stroll around the park. It's very extensive so the dog had a good run.
We met up with a few friends which was nice.
You could always make your own pancake batter from flour , milk and eggs? but it's nice to be lazy, and we bought some pancakes from Sainsburys!
All I had to do was microwave them! They were delicious served with lemon and lemon juice!
(I might have some more tomorrow!)
I have never had venison sausages - I believe that they are nice casseroled in red wine? and served with mashed potato?
I have only once eaten venison - I enjoyed it but it does have a strong (acquired) taste?
I bought a paper this morning as my friend is away from home, so no crosswords sent until Friday.
I haven't had chance to look at the 15 x 15 yet, so might do so now........was it difficult? I expect that I might find it so!
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