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9th February 2016, 20:35
Hello, Pigale!
How are the cats? I hope they are okay after their operations?
I know you will be relieved to have them back home tomorrow and able to see for yourself that they are fine.
Did you speak to your vet about microchipping versus tattooing?
Actually, I don't think cats here are ever tattooed?
Certainly I have never heard of its being done.
Out of interest, I shall check with my vet when next we go there!
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9th February 2016, 21:38
Hello, Elle!
I often purchase pancakes in ASDA.
Maple ones. Often they are still fairly warm.
I put butter on them.
Venison sausages are fine.
Mine were in Bisto gravy with tatties!
I do not know the first thing about red wine!
Pigale will be horrified!
They say there is less fat in venison than beef?
There are several excellent butchers in my area.
I did not think the crossword was tricky, though there is one answer I could not quite see why it was the answer.
14, Sacred musician has witty bishop back (4)
I have Byrd.
Was he/she a sacred musician, or am I missing something?
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9th February 2016, 21:46
William Byrd, Tudor polyphonic composer (pupil and colleague of Thomas Tallis). Managed the difficult trick of being a Catholic in Protestant England (tolerated because of the quality of his music.)

Here's a bit
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9th February 2016, 22:51
Hi, Rusty!
Now, you see, I thought today's Times Cryptic was quite difficult!
I guess I just don't get the experience of doing them regularly.
Sometimes, I feel quite satisfied that I have done a good job in completing them, but I still haven't finished today's crossword.
I got about half way through.......and gave up!
Your 14A was one of the ones that I had done , however.
Byrd - 'sacred' musician? (def)
dry - witty
b- bishop
all reversed.
I think the terminology is a misnomer - it implies, does it not, that Byrd himself was "sacred" ? (or at least it does so to me)
As far as I know, he was an English composer of the Renaissance. He wrote sacred music for use in Anglican services ( although I think he was a Roman Catholic?)
Writing sacred music is not synonymous with being a "sacred musician"?
(Sorry, Mr.R , I can't sanction that!)
Time for a hot drink......
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9th February 2016, 23:19
Hello, Elle!
Some days it is tough, some a bit easier.
I noticed that Malone indicated on another thread that he thought it was tough, so you are in good company!
If he thinks it's surely is!
You did better than me with Byrd.
I got it and thought it was an error.
Charlie "Bird" Parker played a tune called "The Hymn" and I wondered about that, and was there a spelling error in the puzzle? And I wondered about the Byrds, but they were always plural. Never heard of Byrd, not that that means anything!
To me a musician plays music. Did Byrd play?
I imagine he must have, or how would he know what it would sound like?
Anyway, back to my book!
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10th February 2016, 10:10
Good Morning everyone,

Blue sky and sunshine, much less windy but cold !

Elle, could 'sacred' be used meaning 'divine', 'consecrated' - both synonyms of the sacred and as I read on Byrd on google, he was acclaimed for his work.

Rusty, Although venison is often cooked with a Sauce Grand Veneur (with wine), I always did it with a non-alcoholic sauce because my Husband did not like the 'gamy' taste that red wine gives to meat, particularly this one or wild boar, which are already fairly strong meats. So I am not horrified - well... not really !
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10th February 2016, 10:50
Good morning, Rusty!
A very wet day here ! I don't know who was the wetter this morning after our walk - me or my dog!
I hope your weather is better? Have you been out yet for your paper?
You most probably have, as I've just noticed the time - I am very behind times this morning!
I am in the throes of domestic chores... so far I have dealt with two machine loads of washing, plus a third (full of pet bedding and towels) is still in the machine!
I am also about to hoover!
I have still one more book to come from Amazon.....what are you reading at the moment?
Have you finished the book by Ludovic Kennedy?
Btw, "off the top of my head" (wonder where that comes from?) I think that William Byrd is an organist?
(I should thank Chris here for his offering of Byrd's music...I have just listened to it.....)
You mentioned Charlie Parker - I like his Jazz music.

Hello, Pigale!
How are your two young cats?
Do you have them home again now?
You never said what the vet had to contribute about "legal" microchipping in the foreseeable future?
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10th February 2016, 11:08
Hi Elle !

I have just phoned the Vet, and the kits are fine - apparently they are quite lively and devoured all their food both last night and this morning.

I am collecting them this afternoon - time will depend on my friend's working hours. The mother (of the kittens that is) was searching for them last night and she does not leave my side!) - I must admit I missed them too - they are more amusing than TV to watch and so much more cuddly!

I did not mention anything to the Vet yet re microchip because by the time we 'talked' about it, the operation had already taken place and everything was supposed to be done at the same time, so it was too late. I'll mention it this afternoon.

What do you think of my suggestion for 'sacred' (earlier post) - Am I on a totally wrong track ?
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10th February 2016, 11:22
Good morning, Pigale!
I have the same weather as you!
Beautiful day, no wind, a slight frost.
I eat very simply, Pigale.
I certainly would not call my preparations "cooking".
Just a "means to an end"!
A treat I have on occasion, is to go to my nearest fish and chips shop and buy some. The quality is excellent, and there is usually queuing out the door.
But that is just when I feel like spoiling myself!
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10th February 2016, 11:30
Good day, Elle!
You are a busy bee today.
Anything to do with Lent?
I have given up climbing trees for Lent.
Weather on Tayside is glorious.
Very enjoyable!
Yes, I have got my paper, but I do not look at it until later.
Was getting the news at ASDA about the new babies.
All (two) getting on great!
Still reading Ludovic's book. It's first class.
I have vouchers to use at Waterstones and Amazon.
I like Waterstones website. It is well laid out.
Are you having a bash at The Times crossword today?
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