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12th January 2016, 22:55
Hello, Elle!
Oh no, I did not "expect" Veronika to win, but I "thought" she may.
It is fairly open just now.
Mikaela Shiffrin is the top slalom skier, but she is injured just now, so good opportunities for the rest.
Uni has not restarted yet. La Bamba does not get a good mobile signal at home, so she possibly did not get my text.
I hope she takes me out in her car. Looking forward to it!
Snow in Blackburn? It is fairly cold here but little snow so far.
3C outside and a light wind.
Let us hope the snow stays in Blackburn!
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13th January 2016, 08:27
Just wondering if it is possible to delete threads or posts that you(I) have made? Can't seem to find that option.
5452 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th January 2016, 09:16
Brett, I do not think there is an option for us to delete a post or thread.
Why not contact Norah (admin) with your query?
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13th January 2016, 09:20
See new thread @brett1977
5454 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th January 2016, 09:21
There is no option to do this.
Editing or removing our own posts would cause confusion.
Doing it to someone else's could start......I dread to think!
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13th January 2016, 10:30
Good morning, Rusty!
And a very lovely morning it is, too! but very cold! Only 1C ; seemingly it will rise to 3C (wow!) an then become much colder as the day progresses!
A very invigorating (fast walking ) outing this morning!
What is it like in your neck of the woods?
I hope you have heard from Miss La Bamba? and that you will be going out today for a spin (in her new car) and a bacon roll?
Maybe I should write to Bromley Council and suggest a Costa Coffee stall, selling bacon butties in the park.....I thought yesterday that this would be a brilliant idea! perhaps it needs action?
The early morning "trade" would be good! there are a lot of dog walkers out, especially between the hours of eight and ten am.
We'd all welcome a coffee!
I am off out shortly to meet my friend. I am going on a tram!
Have a good day!
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13th January 2016, 11:17
Good morning, Elle!
1C here too!
Lovely day, car covered in hoar frost, and bits of black ice here and there, but a smashing day.
All quiet on the La Bamba front!
Will text her later. Good idea about a bacon butty stall!
Many years ago, the Open Golf Championship was being played at Carnoustie (just along the road from me) and in one of the practice rounds the weather was awful. Sideways rain!
The great Arnold Palmer had some of his Army following him and when they got to the coffee stall out on the course, Arnie paid for tea and bacon rolls for everyone. He is still my golfing hero.
Now, Elle, are these trams enclosed, or are you in the weather?
Enjoy your lunch and natter!
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13th January 2016, 12:07
Elle and Malone,
From The Times today.
One stayed for a change in Scottish region once (7)
Is Mr Rogan trying to keep in with me!
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13th January 2016, 12:47
Rusty, I saw that clue - but only after...
26 A. Couple getting credit for Eastenders (4,3,3).

I suppose they balance each other out?
5459 of 30765  -   Report This Post

norah (admin)

13th January 2016, 13:39
There is no option for users to delete posts, as Rossim said ... I dread to think.

If you need your own post deleting for whatever reason, then just email me and I'll delete it for you. If It is a post by another user, I will only delete if the post is inappropriate.
5460 of 30765  -   Report This Post