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11th January 2016, 11:58
Hi, Pigale!
I've been trying to type around the cat! Not easy, as I can see neither the keyboard nor part of the screen!
I'm sure Rusty is right in that we have had the same or very similar clues only recently - I'm just too lazy to look back and try to find them!
We're having nothing but rain again here ......I wish it would be a bit cooler with it - this unseasonable warmth is just not right!
Our local river (unlike yours ) is very high though.
5401 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2016, 12:13
Rusty, Elle, Pigale ...

I'm glad my feeling of disgruntlement - a word I've just created, I think - has been shared.

I think the first part of the answer to 11 D featured recently and 18 D was also given not so long ago. As well as the Londonisms, we solvers are being served up repeats now. It's 18 D if you ask me!

5402 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2016, 12:51
Good comments, Malone!
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seamus, ayrshire

11th January 2016, 12:59
... disgruntlement - a word I've just created, I think ...

'' doesn't agree:
5404 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2016, 13:01
Hello, all!
With reference to the Barking clue, I looked up "mad" in Bradford's, and barking was there, unsurprisingly, but there was another word in there, too, which puzzles me.
She has "harpic"?
Is Harpic not a disinfectant or a cleaner or something?
Harpic can mean " mad"?
It is not in my Chambers.
5405 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2016, 13:14


11th January 2016, 13:26
Welcome, Eirlys!
You are certainly not "butting in" !
Everyone is welcome on this thread. It is good to have your contribution.
I've never heard of "harpic" used in the context of being "mad".
I learn something new every day!
5407 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2016, 13:35
Thank youElle. The joke is said to have originated in the RAF in 1930 or so and surfaced again ca.1945 after the harpic adverts used the slogan
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11th January 2016, 13:55
Hello, Eirlys!
Thank you for the explanation!
I must admit I like all these oddities in the language, though in this case it was completely new to me.
Well done!
5409 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th January 2016, 14:35
Seamus,thanks for the 'disgruntlement' info. I'm quite happy not to have made it up!
5410 of 30765  -   Report This Post