I'm going to have a rant here.......
(sorry guys, better out than in, as they say......)
I was browsing through some of the other threads and came across someone asking for help but only stating the clue's number - no actual clue was given.
So I said that if help was wanted it would be useful if he/ she gave the clue, as not everyone had the puzzle in front of them.
Someone else then said that the clues were given in post 1.
I then trawled back through three pages to find post 1 (I must be mad!) only to find that no clues were ever set out , only a link to the crossword!
Isn't this taking people's good will and desire to help to extremes?
You now have to "find" the original crossword by clicking on a link in order to help someone solve a clue??????
What happened to politeness and civility in setting out the name of the crossword, the number of the clue and the clue description, number of letters ,those letter already known etc., as laid down in the "Posting Tips"?