Hi, Rusty!
I thought today's school warranted being placed fourth or fifth on our list of six that we have to provide.
As it is some time since we saw the very first school, and we weren't sure at that stage just what we were looking for, I thought we should go back again for a second tour if possible.
We also didn't get to talk to any of the children there, as we have in some of the other schools, so it would be good if that could be rectified.
So I have hopefully persuaded my daughter to enquire if we might revisit!
Isn't the next gale going to be "Desmond"?
Now about pronunciation of "th" as "f" in Cockney, for instance....I believe that there is something called "Th-fronting", which is a prominent feature of several dialects of English, especially Cockney.
In "Th - fronting", "th" is pronounced as "f" or "v".
Yes, Rusty, it's exactly like "forty fahsend fevvers on a frush"!