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2nd November 2015, 20:46
If we are talking about John Rebus, as in Ian Rankin's books about the Detective inspector of that name - then yes, I've read all the series - and thoroughly enjoyed them!
You are lucky to have them all in sequence - I'm afraid I read them coming from all directions!
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2nd November 2015, 21:00
Yes, elle, it is John Rebus, of Lothian and Borders Police notoriety, to whom I refer. I'e been going up to Edinburgh every year since taking daughter no. 2 up to Uni there (Queen Margaret's) in 1999. Makes it all the more interesting to watch Rebus's story and character develop, alongside changes in Edinburgh and developing national and international events.

Do you watch the TV series (the older ones with John Hannah, or the more recent John Stott ones), and, if so, which do you prefer?
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2nd November 2015, 21:11
Jamoza, I'm not very keen on watching films/ TV series about books that I enjoy (as I mentioned earlier) but in this particular instance , yes, I have watched a few episodes.
I very much preferred John Hannah in the role - in fact , I only saw Ken Stott once and didn't watch any of the future programmes as I didn't like his portrayal of the character.
What is your view?
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2nd November 2015, 21:18
Yes, Elle, Ritchie Valens had a hit with La Bamba!
Black Friday is always the day after Thanksgiving.
This year the 27th November.
The following Monday is Cyber Monday.
I honestly cannot help as to say if there will be book bargains or not. It is usually electrical goods and dearer items. Not sure if we can find out. It is a big mad day at ASDA, I know that!
Why not type "Black Friday, Amazon" into Google and see where that leads?
Let's hope doggie won't need surgery tomorrow.
All quiet on the Miss La Bamba front this evening!
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2nd November 2015, 21:43
Rusty, you are correct! CYBER Monday, that was it!
I didn't realise that Black Friday happened every year after Thanksgiving? - or if I've been told that, then I've forgotten it (equally possible!)
I thought of googling the event after I'd posted my reply to you - so did so, and according to Google, Amazon have already started their Black Friday dealings NOW - three weeks early!
I couldn't face ploughing through all the hype tonight - I'll have a more thorough look tomorrow.
I may order a few books now anyway, as I need some reading material - those books by William Horwood, that we were talking about yesterday are available in the 1p price range!
Will Miss La Bamba buy a car (if she can afford it?) now that she has passed her test?
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2nd November 2015, 23:10
Hello, Elle.
I am going to have a look at Amazon tomorrow.
Thanksgiving is always the fourth Thursday in November and Black Friday is the next day. I think Cyber Monday is a relative newcomer to the shenanigans.
Now, Miss La Bamba.
She is sound asleep. She did not sleep well last night.
Test nerves, perhaps.
I would think she would like a car. They do have a Jeep which is not often used, so that may be a possibility.
Santa brought her big sis a nice wee Micra when she passed, so we shall see. I may find out the lie of the land later in the week.
Personally I hope Santa brings her a pair of trousers without rips in them.
These raggedy jeans look awful!
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2nd November 2015, 23:12
Hi jamoza, I too like the Rebus books and much prefer John Hannah in the role.
I went to Edinburgh uni a very long time ago, because I loved the city and because they didn't do animals from aardvark to zebra if you studied zoology. The Rebus books bring back the streets and places, like Arthur's seat and the crags near them. Not the pubs, though, "respectable" women didn't go near them but had to drink in a hotel. I didn't have the money anyway.
It's amazing to think that chemists would not sell condoms to students and my landlady wouldn't lend me her iron on Sundays.
We made Rankin alumnus of the year a while back.
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3rd November 2015, 10:27
Morning, Rusty!
Well, unfortunately we had to leave the dog at the vets for further examination under anaesthetic. I think the vet is going to try to express the (very viscous) blood and pus from the abscess, but if this doesn't work, she will have to cut it open.
The dog looked as though we had abandoned her for ever when we walked away!
I shall be on edge all morning now every time the phone rings! I am to phone at 12 noon for a progress report!
I shall while away the interim time by looking on Amazon..........
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3rd November 2015, 10:50
Morning All, Morning Elle,

Try not to worry too much if you can and remember you are doing what is right for the dog; certainly they know how to make you feel guilty with that special miserable expression in their eyes.

Just over an hour to go...:)
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3rd November 2015, 11:10
Hello, all!
Elle, keep your fretting about the dog to a minimum.
She is in the best possible hands, as you know.

Pigale, very foggy here again but the sun is attempting to break through. Fingers crossed.

Rosalind, re your Edinburgh landlady and the iron.
I remember staying in a caravan on the shores of Loch Ewe and there was a notice pinned to the wall forbidding hanging washing on the line on Sundays.
The land of the Wee Frees!
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