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3rd November 2015, 14:47
Hi, we are just back from the vets.
The dog is ok in herself - a little bit dopey from the anaesthetic, and not very happy about wearing a "lampshade" around her neck to prevent her from licking the 'wound' and possibly taking out the stitches. She is glad to be home!
But the news may not be good........the vet is concerned by the state of the left anal gland as it is very inflamed and very much larger than it should be.
She has taken tissue both from the lump and from the gland and sent it away to be biopsied. There is a fear that the supposed cyst may in fact be a tumour and the gland might be cancerous.
We have to await the histology results - which could take about five days.
The only good thing is that if the result is bad, then at least we've discovered this soon? I think the next step then would be to remove the anal gland, and hope we've got to it in time to prevent it spreading elsewhere.
I AM trying to keep 'fretting' to a minimum, Rusty, as I know it's really excellent advice, but not easy under the circumstances.
I am, however, being very calm around the dog, as there is no need for her to pick up on my worry vibes.
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3rd November 2015, 15:22
Sorry to hear about the poor dog, elle - let's hope for the best.
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3rd November 2015, 16:58
Thank you , Chris.
Yes, it's just a question of waiting now till we get the results......
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3rd November 2015, 17:39
Elle, I am really sorry to hear the news; This would explain why the antibiotics had so little effect - but as you say, if the tumour is malignant, then you sure must have caught it in time. I mean you took the pup to the Vet as soon as you noticed something was wrong didn't you ?

I don't know and may be talking nonsense, but even if the gland is not cancerous, wouldn't it be a good idea to remove it anyway, to avoid another problem reoccurring, and worse that time?

Anyhow, I am with you in thoughts
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3rd November 2015, 18:07
Hi. Pigale!
Yes, it was a bit of a shock as we thought it was just straightforward - simply a cyst and a blocked anal gland. Fairly easily remedied.
But of course it may yet be so; until we get the histology results we shan't know.
The vet is quite rightly being cautious, and covering all eventualities.
Fingers crossed that all will be well.
The dog is miserable because of wearing her restrictive "lampshade", but she was attempting to take out her stitches.
She has eaten though, so that is a good sign!
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3rd November 2015, 18:26

Nothing was ever less free than the Wee Frees! Children didn't play on the patch of grass at the back of the houses on Sundays, either.

I hope your dog recovers quickly and the news is good
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3rd November 2015, 19:10
Ros, thank you .
Everyone is being very kind and supportive. After all, our pets are part of the family, aren't they?
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3rd November 2015, 21:25
E!le, hopefully doggie will be fine!
The fog has not lifted here today.
You would not be in the humour of ordering books today?
My dust bowl book arrived today from Toledo, Ohio, with French postal markings on it! I am sure there will be a reason for that!
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3rd November 2015, 22:02
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, hopefully the dog will be okay, although waiting for the biopsy results will be hard, especially as they most probably will not be available for about five days.
The vet quite rightly is covering all eventualities by investigating the possibility of cancer, but it was a shock, as I'm sure you will appreciate, when we were expecting a straightforward procedure dealing with a blocked anal gland and a seemingly harmless cyst.
I'm glad that your book arrived safely - is it next on your reading list? It sounds as though it's had a roundabout journey to reach you?
Have you had a good day? What have you been up to?
We obviously have simply been dog-orientated and so I have nothing of interest to report!
No, I didn't order any books from Amazon - but maybe tomorrow ?
Let's hope tomorrow will be a better day!
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3rd November 2015, 22:56
Well, let's hope your worrying comes to nothing, Elle.
Que sera, sera.
I have had a quiet day, apart from several phone calls enquiring about me or a family member having an accident in the last two years! Pests!
One of them addressed me as "my man", would you believe!
I hope this fog lifts soon. Been here for days!
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