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1st January 2020, 18:39
Good evening, Elle!
I have had more visitors since!
Think that will be them all, though!
Does Freeview not have BBC Alba?
I get it through Sky TV.
For 1d, I ended up with "loft".
The paper is the Financial Times (FT) and I convinced myself that "lo" means "see" which can mean "get".
11, "Quicksilvery", Extremely is "very", and I think "paceman" is to do with cricket. A "quick" bowler.
Which leaves "sil". "L" for length. "I" in clue, and I am guessing the "s" goes on the end of "quick". "paceman's/quick's".
Not convinced I am correct but it's pretty close?
The TV/London one was "lovely jubbly" which I have only heard in the sitcom "Only Fools and Horses".
30581 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st January 2020, 20:15
Hi, Rusty!
No, we don't get BBC Alba.
I am afraid that I still do not understand 1d?
I would think that "lo" means "look"/ "get a load of"?
And yes, FT for the paper .
But what is the definition?
"loft" means......what?
I can follow the parsing for "quicksilvery"...although I did not know it was a word!
Thank you for your help.
I don't know the term "lovely jubbly", but it fits!
I've never watched "Only Fools and Horses!
I am nearing the end of my Peter James book......
30582 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st January 2020, 20:34
Hello, Elle!
I did not know quicksilvery was a word, too!
Loft, I take to mean "send up".
As a sporting term perhaps, to "loft" a ball in the air?
I have only ever heard "lovely jubbly" used in the TV show, by one of the characters.
The show takes place in Peckham, which I think is part of London.
So, I thought it may be a Londonism.
I liked "Only Fools and Horses"!
I have started "The Case of the Poisoned Partridge"!
30583 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st January 2020, 22:02
Hi, Rusty!
I don't think I have heard of a ball being "lofted" in the air?
It is a new expression for me.
Yes, Peckham is in London....I am unsure, though, which borough?
Maybe Southwark?
It is not an area with which I am familiar.
Well, I had expected to finish my book...but fell asleep!
The sound of fireworks woke me....not another night of them surely.....
"The Case of the Poisoned Partridge" is your new book by by Diane Janes, I think?
I hope it is good!
Well, if I am going to be kept awake anyway, I might as well have a coffee.....
I shall at least enjoy it!
30584 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st January 2020, 22:12
Hello, Elle!
I think in sport "loft" is often used for a ball being lofted over an opponent, for instance.
Golf clubs are made with different degrees of loft for striking the ball in different situations.
Look at 3.

Well, wherever Peckham is, that's where the man lived who used that phrase.
I have never heard it anywhere else other than that sit-com.
So, should it be in a puzzle?
No fireworks here!
My book is excellent.
Diane Janes is very good indeed.
The research she has done is quite remarkable.
30585 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st January 2020, 22:44
Hi, Rusty!
Ah yes, I see....thank you for the Collins reference. about "loft".
Another word context I have learned!
Now, re "lovely jubbly".....maybe, then, the crossword setter lives in Peckham?
Or maybe he /she simply watches "Only Fools and Horses"?!
The dog has just been persuaded into the garden during a firework "lull".....
I am considering starting a new "rage".....
We have "road rage" why not "firework rage".......
30586 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st January 2020, 22:59
Hello, Elle!
I am surprised you did not know loft.
I have been hunting "lovely jubbly" and there are a few references to it online.
Seems to come from an advertising slogan, and used in Fools and Horses.
I knew it, right enough, but only because I watched the sit-com.
Maybe that's where the setter got it, too, as you say.
30587 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd January 2020, 07:37
Good morning, Elle!
Seems dry but windy out.
Seems to be something wrong with the numbering on this thread.
It showed the previous post as being from you at 22.44, when the post was from me at 22.59.
30588 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd January 2020, 10:19
Good morning, Rusty!
A drizzly day a somewhat damp early walk, resulting in a very muddy dog.
She had fun, though.
"Lovely jubbly" obviously passed me by!
The numbering on this thread seems to be okay now?
It must have been a temporary glitch...or maybe Norah noticed it and somehow corrected it.
Leastways, it shows the last post as being from you at 7.37 am today....
We shall now see if mine registers!
30589 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd January 2020, 10:39
Hello, Elle!
Your latest post is 30589 of 30585.
How's that, I wonder?
There are odd goings on, on this thread!
Now, do you remember that I mentioned the choirmistress and dancer on Alba's Hogmanay show, who I liked?
Her name is Joy Dunlop, and I have discovered that she has made a record of her songs, and she is also a weather presenter on BBC, in Gaelic and English, and she is 6ft tall!
There is a car alarm sounding off a few doors down.
A blooming nuisance!
30590 of 30765  -   Report This Post