Good evening, Rusty!
I am finally home again......exhausted, but triumphant!
I have had a most successful shopping day, so it was worth all the effort.
Actually, yes, the name "Biles" is ringing a faint bell, Rusty, but I seldom watch the gymnastics.
I remember Olga Korbut, and Beth Tweddle, but couldn't name any others.
Although I might recognise the occasional name were I to see /hear it.
I do not know Ben Stokes but have no problem with his winning (other than I should have preferred Dina or Kat!)
I just thought the News article about the suspected "rigged" voting sounded a bit odd.
Gary Lineker's "mistake" was very strange.....
And I don't see how genuine one could assume the online voting to be?
The decision to give the award to Stokes could still have been taken beforehand?
Who counts the votes?
Anyway, no point in dwelling on it, I to give everyone involved the benefit of the doubt.
Who is Doddie Weir , this is a new name to me?