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19th December 2019, 16:33
Hi elle
White puddings (and black) feature in some versions of the funny "John Blunt" folK song
30431 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th December 2019, 17:40
Hello, Elle!
The black pudding is very tasty!
Hopefully, my son will be here.
Not heard from him today.
30432 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th December 2019, 17:42
Hello, Chris
Thank you for the songs....
If ever there were an example of "closing the stable door after the horse has bolted...", that was surely it!
30433 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th December 2019, 17:47
Hi again elle
I think it's more the acceptance of the wife having the husband having to go downstairs (leaving her with the intruders!)
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19th December 2019, 17:47
Hi, Rusty!
I just saw your post as I was replying to Chris.
Do you know the songs that he quotes?
I've just been talking to my daughter for the last forty-five minutes …...she rang as usual on her way home.
I feel sure your son would have let you know if he wasn't coming...….enjoy your chat!
30435 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th December 2019, 23:31
Good evening, Elle!
Heavy rain here this evening.
Yes, my son was here as usual.
Great seeing him.
He is returning before Christmas Day.
30436 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th December 2019, 10:28
Raining heavily here!
A waterproofs and wellies day...
I had a soaking wet dog!
I am off to the surgery for a routine Blood Pressure check very appointment is at 11am
Out in the rain again!!
Catch you later......
30437 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th December 2019, 21:36
Good evening, Elle!
Been a bit wet here, too.
Hope you got on fine at your BP check.
My practice do it once a year, used to be twice.
I have had a hectic day doing different stuff.
I think I have a bug, too!
30438 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st December 2019, 08:54
Good morning, Rusty!
And a very wet one it is, too.
Oh dear, I am sorry to hear that you seem to have picked up a bug....
I hope you are feeling somewhat better this morning?
Better take care.....and stay warm.
Yes, my BP check yesterday was fine, thank you.
We have a general MOT of BP and Blood tests once a year, with an additional BP check thrown in after 6 months.
I was back at the GP surgery, though, in the afternoon, with my husband.
As you know, his health is not all that good now, and he has been feeling a bit "ropey" for the last couple of weeks.
I finally managed to get him to see a doctor yesterday.
So.... he is to take antibiotics for now...with blood tests and further hospital tests after the New Year.
I am relieved that he has finally agreed to an investigation.
Our elder daughter is arriving shortly for a quick visit...I think she will drive back this evening.
And our younger daughter is coming to see us tomorrow.
This will do us both good!
30439 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st December 2019, 10:05
Good morning, Elle!
It's a fine morning here!
Yes, I do feel a bit more human this morning.
On antibiotics which will help.
We used to have an extra BP check but the practice stopped it.
Can't remember why, though.
Hopefully the antibiotics will help your husband to feel a bit better.
You will be having a busy weekend with your daughters arriving!
30440 of 30765  -   Report This Post