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15th November 2019, 08:07
Thanks again Cerasus - I just took your musical notation stuff as a tidier version of what I'd been trying to say!

I agree that there wasn't really enough to make the link with the musical scales, notes.
29991 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th November 2019, 08:27
Good morning Malone And Cerasus!
Gee whizz!
I would not have parsed that clue in a million years.
The setter is away ahead of me on that one!
My knowledge of musical notes is minimal.
Anyways, thank you for explaining it.
It's good to have a loose end tied up!
29992 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th November 2019, 08:45
Rusty, glad we could help - well, glad we could pass on some 'helpful' information! I was relieved that you didn't answer with 'ah, of course, I see that now'.
29993 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th November 2019, 09:20
Apparently "maestro" refers to a great person (nearly wrote "man" there!) of classical or operatic music. Though I agree with you all about lack of direction.
Did actually see Solti in action once and sol-fa is very well-known to Scrabble players! Plus, although those of us who could sing did have to sing it, I bet none of my class knew how to write the little words down.
29994 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th November 2019, 09:49
I now have an earworm .....🎶🎶🎶
Doe a deer, a female deer
Ray a drop of golden sun
29995 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th November 2019, 09:58
Oh dear, now I do as well and I am trying to write about 18th century London!
29996 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th November 2019, 10:05
Good morning, Rusty!
A cold and wet start to the day......but perhaps it might turn itself around, as it did yesterday!
How do you test your watch to make sure it isn't counterfeit?
I have never heard of this?
I would not know where to start!
I have a bit of shopping to do, which unfortunately means going out in the rain again, and walking down to the High Street!
Still, it shouldn't take me too long.
I might have a coffee first...and possibly wait for a suitable dry "window"!

Thank you very much, Malone and Cerasus for explaining "Solti" to us.
I would never have associated "GB" with musical scales!
29997 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th November 2019, 10:19
Rosalind, a little piece of Haydn should clear the earworm
29998 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th November 2019, 10:35
Good morning, Elle.
Fine day, here.
I'm just home.
Been at the local shops.
The way to tell if my watch is counterfeit or genuine is.
Have watch on normal display showing the time.
Now, press the right-hand button and hold it down for several seconds.
If genuine, the display will change from showing the time, to showing "CASIo".
On the back of the watch it should read "Made in China" if genuine, not "Made in Japan".
Have you read Malone's and Cerasus' posts about our puzzling parse yesterday?
I would never get that!
29999 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th November 2019, 10:50
Cerasus. Thank you. How very appropriate
Doh, now I've got another earworm, my grandchildren singing

Something something dry or wet
I am inappropriate

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