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4th November 2019, 20:35
Hi, Rusty!
Thankfully, we seem to be having a quiet evening, in that there
are no fireworks to be heard!
This no doubt is just "the lull before the storm", tomorrow is of course the official "Guy Fawkes Day" and many folk will be letting off fireworks then!!
I have now officially given up the crossword...... still seven to go unsolved .....
But may I just ask for the parsing on 21d, though, please?
I have (I think) successfully parsed all those other clues for which I have answers, but this one remains obdurate.
21d: Lack of enthusiasm for one heading off around track (6)
I have "apathy" = lack of enthusiasm (def)
path - track
but cannot see how to account for the "a" and the "y"?
Strong coffee has not helped!
29801 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th November 2019, 20:58
Hello, Elle!
Think the rain is easing a bit!
No fireworks tonight, so that's a comfort!
Now, 21, I hope I can explain it understandably.
Apathy is correct.
The track is a path.
Now the tricky bit!
"For one heading off" is where we will find the next bit.
"For one" means "for example", "e.g." or "say".
So we shall choose "say" and remove the heading "s", leaving "ay".
Put "ay" around "path" for apathy.
Hope I have explained it satisfactorily?
29802 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th November 2019, 21:51
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you so much for your help.
I would never have thought of "for one" as meaning "eg " or "say".......
I would still be struggling with that, until the proverbial cows come home!
Yes, I can follow your have explained it very well.
I can now put the puzzle to bed....the remainder of the unsolved clues can remain a 'mystery' !
I may do better with tomorrow's puzzle!
I shall now watch "Eggheads" which I recorded earlier........
29803 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th November 2019, 22:08
Hello, Elle!
I have came across "for one/say" before, so I was not held up very long with it.
Also, I have just checked Anne B, and she has "say" in a sub-section of "example".
Thank goodness you understood what I was trying to impart!
It is a pity you don't get a paper with the puzzle in it, as that way you can see the answers you could not manage today, and learn a bit more.
But, no problem, you are improving and learning, like the rest of us!
29804 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2019, 10:01
Good morning, Rusty!
A rather feeble sun is just donning his hat.....
A pleasant early walk high winds today.
The Egyptian goslings are faring well.
I hope the rain has stopped in your area?
I have a "free" day today.
I've a list of chores I "ought" to do, but nothing that I "have" to do!
So I think I shall start with a coffee and the crossword......
29805 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2019, 10:19
Good morning, Elle!
Rain has cleared away, here.
It is a beautiful morning.
I have been out and about and the roads seem to be clear of the flooding, now.
Good luck with your puzzle!
29806 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2019, 11:51
Hi, Rusty!
Bright and sunny here, too, now.....and not quite as chilly today.
Now......I have fared much better with today's puzzle!
Only two that I cannot do.....
15a: L?P?Z
and 21d: A?O?O?E
I cannot parse "trace" though, in 7d?
"Schmooze", apparently meaning "chat", is a new word for me.....
And I had to look up "rhubarb", as I only previously knew it as a fruit .....or "rubbish"!
Anne B tells me it is a "spat" (hence "dispute")
My favourites are 10a; 13a; 28a; 2d; and 24d.
29807 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2019, 12:00
Is 21d anything to do with not pronouncing last letters of words, elle?
29808 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2019, 12:38
Hello, Elle!
Great day here, too!
Just shows you!
I found today's puzzle very difficult.
Thought it was the toughest for me in a good while.
Shoot is "zap" and the gangster is Al (Capone) reversed for La Paz, which is a capital city, in South America.
21, is a new word for me.
Parody is "ape", flower (river) is "Po", and "co" for company.
I knew "schmooze" but have never used it!
I did not know that meaning of "rhubarb", too.
Think I will head out for a dander, soon.
29809 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th November 2019, 12:41
Update, Elle,
I forgot 7d for you.
The University Challenge is the "Boat Race".
Remove neckwear "boa" and you have "trace".
29810 of 30765  -   Report This Post