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16th April 2019, 19:57
Good evening, Elle!
Sleepovers are all the rage, I think!
I have no idea how have/halve came into my head!
I think I ignore the "L" in halve and pronounce it the same.
Yes, flic is a policeman. See Chambers.
The other one is "eu logistic".
This is from memory as I do not have my puzzle now.
How is reCaptcha today?
26741 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th April 2019, 20:02
Is your vowel sound the same in have and halve, rusty? I barely pronounce the L in halve, but it's a much longer A.
26742 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th April 2019, 20:14
Yes, Chris, I say them the same.
I looked them up in Collins and they have different pronunciations, but I don't know what the wee doodahs above the words mean, unfortunately!
There is no hint of an "L" in my pronunciation of "halve".
26743 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th April 2019, 20:20
I've downloaded Collins Dictionary, and in it you can click on a wee speaker and hear the correct pronunciation of a word.
I like Collins.
26744 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th April 2019, 21:13
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, BB likes coming for a sleepover!
We like having him...he is good company.
No, I don't pronounce the "l" is "halve " either.
Thank you for the parsing...I did not see "logistic"!
I think I was looking for a further breakdown.
reCaptcha is fine today....let us hope I am not tempting providence, though, by saying this!
I have several recorded episodes of "Eggheads " to watch....I haven't had the TV on at all whilst the boys have been here.
I think I shall watch one now......

26745 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th April 2019, 21:37
Hello, Elle!
Sleepovers are all the rage!
That's good about reCaptcha.
It is a blooming nuisance when not working properly.
Maybe Ash tweaked it, somehow?
26746 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2019, 09:26
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
A lovely day here...…...
The temperature is already in double figures .......and set to reach a high of 18C by 2 pm.
I hope you are having it as good, if not better?
Our grandsons are being collected about midday by both parents.
We shall miss them when they go home!
Are you and Miss L-B all set for the Pine Cone this morning?
26747 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2019, 10:02
Good morning, Elle,
Fine day here, so far!
I do not think it is very warm but I have not been outside today.
Your grandsons will be back soon, don't fret!
Think La Bamba and me will head to Pine Cone, but it's her choice.
I am curious to see the extent of the damage, if any, in the cafe.
Think the fire was mainly in the wood sheds.
26748 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2019, 10:43
Hi, Rusty!
Oh , yes, of course, you and Miss L-B are going shopping on your way out to the Pine Cone........
I had need then for an early walk up to Asda!
Will they 'keep' your paper for you, if you do not collect it early?
I am about to play a last set of games with the grandkids .....
I think they would pack me in their bag and take me home with them if they could - just for me to be on hand for playing board and card games!
I'll just make a coffee before we start.......
26749 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2019, 19:50
Good evening, Rusty!
How has your day been?
How was the Pine Cone?
I hope not too badly affected by the fire that had started nearby?
Our daughter and son-in-law arrived here about 12.45 pm
It was good to see them, and spend some time with them, before they all set off back to The Midlands.
After they had left we took the dog for a long walk - very warm out ...temp of 22C.
But we are home again now for the rest of the evening!
The house is very quiet......!
26750 of 30765  -   Report This Post