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19th April 2019, 16:38
Hi elle
ROWEL - the spiky part of a riding spur. LOWER with L and R swapped
SILD - alternate letters of SkIlLeD - young herring(? - I'll have to look that up!)
26781 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th April 2019, 16:41
Yes, herring. John West sell them in cans!
26782 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th April 2019, 16:58
Hello, Elle!
It is a beautiful afternoon here, too!
There are folk sitting out in the sun.
I think maybe, in years gone by, that the schools took holidays here to tie in with when the children may have been needed to work on the farms.
Certainly, when I was at the school, we called the Autumn holidays the "tattie holidays", because we all came off school and went picking tatties for two weeks, and in Summer it was "berry picking" holidays, but other than that, I have no idea why the holidays are all over the place up here.
The money the kids earned was very welcome to their families.
All our shops open on Easter Sunday, and B&Q will do a roaring trade.
11a, Elle, is what 21a may have worn! "Rowel". Take the word "lower" and swop "l" and "r". It is a circular jaggedy bit of a spur.
8d, is the alternate letters in "skilled", giving "sild", which I think is a name for herrings.
Quite a good mix in the puzzle today, I thought, long may it go on!
26783 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th April 2019, 17:52
In England, the one day when the great god Supermarket may not be worshipped is Easter Sunday. Not at all.
26784 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th April 2019, 18:10
Hi, Rusty!
It has been great sitting out in the garden........just a pleasant temperature.
I do not like the heat!
Yes, that makes good sense about the potato and berry picking holidays .......and making money to help out family expenses.
That could well account for the varying term dates in different localities.
Thank you for helping me with the crossword.
I did not know either of those words, so would never have worked that out for myself.
Nor had I heard of "bowdlerise" in 10a.
My favourite clues were 14d: afterwards; 26a: Eliot ; and 27d: balladeer
How about you?
Do you have a "favourite"?

Hello, Chris!
Thank you for the explanations.
Both "rowel" and "sild" are new words for me!
Did you see my earlier message, sent mid morning?
26785 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th April 2019, 18:13
I missed that, elle. I'm shocked that you aren't actually called elle! Elle Woods is one of my favourite film heroines (Legally Blonde).
26786 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th April 2019, 18:34
Good evening, Elle!
I am not fond of heat, too.
The "berry picking" money often went to pay for those who needed school uniforms, which were fairly expensive.
Now, I had seen "bowdlerise" but I did not know its meaning.
It sent me to Collins to find what did it mean!
I had 2d wrong for a while. I had "retry" instead of "reply"!
I liked 12a, "trysted" and 23a "airflow".
I have "zeta" for 25d, but I was not certain if "insurgent" could mean upwards to reverse "ate"?
Other than that I am fairly content about the outcome.
26787 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th April 2019, 19:35
Good evening, Rusty!
My goodness, yes, I remember school uniforms being very expensive......
I wonder how my parents managed to pay for mine ..... there was only one "outfitter" and so the prices were exorbitant, as there was no competition.
We were luckier with our own girls, in that the school had a second -hand uniform sale!
Very well patronised by everyone!
"Insurgent" means "rising in revolt" so as the clue is a "down" one, I think that fits well?

Chris, I have seen "Legally Blonde" .......Reece Witherspoon as "Elle"......
26788 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th April 2019, 20:31
Hello, Elle!
There were no uniforms at my school, so that was fine!
I had it in my head that "insurgent" was only a noun.
As soon as I open a dictionary I realise how little I know!
They really are great inventions!
Yes, I agree with you, Elle, it works perfectly well in a down clue.
It is still lighty here, the evenings are stretching!
26789 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th April 2019, 22:21
Hi, Rusty!
Weather still permitting, we have just planned our first picnic of the year!
On Easter Sunday, we are meeting up with our younger daughter and her husband , BB, and YB, for lunch in the park!
It should be fun!
We have bought Easter eggs for all our grandchildren.... the two elder grandsons took theirs home with them on Wednesday.
I have still to arrange when we are seeing our granddaughter and other grandson to give them their eggs.
Probably one day this next week, after school.
And usually there is an Easter Egg Hunt in the Maze in the park...but I have not heard anything about it this year.......
So maybe they are not having one?
Rather a disappointment for all the local children if that be the case.
26790 of 30765  -   Report This Post