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27th March 2019, 20:59
Hello, Elle!
I think I drove past Oshibori one morning.
No idea if it's any good, though.
I knew Trocadero was something in London, but did not know what.
A nightclub or theatre or something, but I had not heard of the battle.
If it was not reversed in clue I would have taken much longer to complete!
26431 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th March 2019, 21:31
Hi, Rusty!
I had the advantage of knowing the word "Trocadero", and spotted it reversed in the clue!
I have had a bit of a go at the crossword...but it is definitely on the hard side....
I am cutting my losses, and watching my serial on the television!
The programme is called "Bay", and is based in Morecombe.
I have been to Morecombe aunt lived on the outskirts of Morecombe.
26432 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th March 2019, 21:56
Hello, Elle!
Yes, the puzzle is tougher today.
Took me quite a while to finish it.
I don't know your serial.
I have not been to Morecombe.
Been listening to my wireless this evening.
Just had my supper.
Doing a fasting blood test tomorrow!
26433 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th March 2019, 22:09
Hi, Rusty!
I was just attracted to the prospect of watching the serial by its taking place in Morecombe.
And because I had read of its being compared to "Broadchurch", which I had enjoyed.......
I do not really see much similarity though, other that a bay being the scene of the crime.
Are the blood tests for your annual MOT?
It doesn't seem all that long since you last has some tests done?
26434 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th March 2019, 23:00
Hello, Elle!
I don't know Broadchurch I'm afraid.
Yes, I visit GP practice to see one of the nurses for annual MOT bloods, and I see a different nurse next week to discuss results etc.
My last bloods were done at hospital, at the request of my neuro, and she wrote to me (and GP) saying they were "pleasingly good", or a similar phrase!
I'll just be in and out in a few minutes, I think.
26435 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2019, 09:58
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely morning here...sunny and mild.
I am back earlyish from the park as my husband has to go for his physio exercise session.
And I have a free (restful?) day before me ...apart from fitting in another walk later.
I shall take a look at the crossword over a coffee and my apple and cheese!
26436 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2019, 10:41
Good morning, Elle!
A fine morning here.
You are ahead of me.
I have not been out yet, so no newspaper!
Be later today that I tackle the puzzle!
26437 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2019, 12:04
Hi, Rusty!
I might have been ahead of you in intent.......but not in actuality, as it turned out!
I have had an unexpected my plans went completely awry.
No crossword even printed out as yet.....
I had expected you to have an early start to your day?
You had said that you were going for your blood tests?
And I had assumed, obviously wrongly, that because it was a fasting test, that it would be happening in the early morning!
Right, I am now back on track......crossword here I come!
26438 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2019, 13:06
Hello, Elle!
It is warm outside!
My bloods were at 11.40 a.m.
The fasting part is my idea, not the nurse's.
I was told several years ago that this gives the most accurate results, and that's what I do now, and tell the nurse what I have done, and they approve.
I was quite hungry when I got home!
26439 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2019, 13:33
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, you would have been hungry!
That is what we always had to suffer when going to the Drop-In Phlebotomy Clinic at the local hospital.
It could easily be 2pm by the time we reached home.
The new optional system of making an appointment at a nearby surgery, now offering a phlebotomy service, is much more convenient for us.
It is not always necessary to fast for blood tests.
It does depend on the nature of the requested test.
I have finished my crossword ……..well, all that I can do so far.....still three clues to solve!
But I have put it aside for now.
26440 of 30765  -   Report This Post