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26th March 2019, 22:32
Hello, Elle!
I think you do well.
And there's always tomorrow!
I had every odd "letter" in 4d and "subtenant" fitted and seemed to to chime with "letters" and letting, but I have not got a good parse.
The "legally controlled" bit is beyond me, and I have no idea if subletting is legally controlled or not.
And remember, what is the law up here, may not be the law in your neck of the woods.
Be good to have a chat with the setter and see what is his train of thought?
And we could be missing something obvious!
26421 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th March 2019, 22:51
Hi, Rusty!
I remember my son almost running foul of the law once , when renting a flat.
He had no idea that the person letting out the flat was a tenant himself, and not the official landlord........
I cannot remember now all the ins-and -outs as it was so long ago, but I do know there was quite a hoo-ha, when the landlord found out about the subletting.
I think my son was cleared of blame...but the 'first' tenant was heavily fined?
26422 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th March 2019, 23:09
Hello, Elle!
In Scotland if you are a tenant to a private landlord you can sublet the tenancy to a subtenant, but only if the landlord agrees.
It should be in the agreement if you can do this or not.
I think (not sure) it is a criminal offence to sublet if you are in a social housing tenancy.
But....a better clue would have been appreciated!
26423 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th March 2019, 09:50
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a somewhat dull and dreary day here.
I hope it is brighter in your neck of the woods?
I am away out shortly to meet a friend in Bromley.
We have a bit of catching up to do, as we haven't managed a get-together for a few weeks.
It will be good to exchange news in person!
I shall be home again about tea time.
Just a quick cup of coffee first, though.......
26424 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th March 2019, 09:57
Good morning, Elle!
It is a bit overcast here, but dry and mild.
So, that's fine!
I have done a bit of the puzzle.
Tougher today!
Enjoy your blether!
26425 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th March 2019, 17:10
Hi, Rusty!
I am home again now.
I had a lovely time - a good chat and a delicious meal at Wagamama.... it is a restaurant that serves Asian food based on Japanese style of cooking.
I would recommend it!
We had, in fact, been planning to go there on Sunday for Mother's Day.
My daughter had already booked a table.....
But of course, thanks to the advent of chicken pox, our celebration will now have to be put on hold until YB has recovered!
I received a photo of the spots today!
Luckily, so far, the attack seems to be fairly mild.....but chicken pox comes in waves, so it may yet worsen.
Poor (itchy) little boy!
How has your day been?
26426 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th March 2019, 18:34
Good evening, Elle!
Lucky you getting a pic of the spots!
You seem to have had a nice day out with your friend.
I think I have heard of Wagamama?
My day has been fine.
Went out for a walk along the nature trail and it had turned into a fine day but blustery.
26427 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th March 2019, 19:32
Good evening, Rusty!
I'm glad you have had a good day.
The sun came out here, too, and the day "blossomed"!
I was home too late, though, to take out the dog for a second walk before dark.
Yes, I may well have told you before of Wagamama.....
There is also a restaurant in Croydon, and I used to meet my old school friend there for lunch very the days before she and her husband moved down to Devon to live near family.
And maybe your girls will know it? They also could have mentioned it to you.
How was the crossword today?
I haven't yet had the time to take a look.......
26428 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th March 2019, 19:40
Hello, Elle!
I have heard of Wagamama but I do not know if there is one down town or not.
I think there may be one called Oshibori, or similar?
I found the crossword puzzle to be very good today.
A bit tougher than yesterdays, I feel, and that pleased me!
6d, 7d, were new to me.
I had heard of 7d but never knew it was a battle, nor had Anne B!
26429 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th March 2019, 20:47
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, you are right, there is a Japanese restaurant in Dundee called "Oshibori", so Google tells me.
It seems a strange name to call a restaurant, though?
An "oshibori" is one of those soothing (usually scented) towels that one is given after the meal, with which to wipe one's hands.
I have taken a quick look at the crossword ......
7d is "Trocadero" ...... I think France invaded Spain?
I know the word well, because we have an area in London so called.....
It is a large entertainment complex......or it was?
I haven't been up around there for a long time.
26430 of 30765  -   Report This Post