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28th March 2019, 15:49
Good afternoon, Elle!
Great day here!
I was seen by my nurse ten minutes before my appointment and on my way five minutes later.
Excellent service!
I know it is not always necessary to fast for blood tests, but it suits me and the nurses if I do.
I have had to return for a fasting test, previously, after a non fasting test was slightly high.
So it makes sense to us, and my GP is content.
I have finished my puzzle, too.
I bit easier than yesterday's, I think.
26441 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2019, 16:59
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, a glorious afternoon here, too.
We are just back from a walk in the park.
I had an interesting chat with a man who had had his dog DNA tested!
The dog, supposedly a Cavalier King Charles spaniel, had grown bigger and much taller than expected for the breed.
So the guy decided to check out the dog's ancestry..........
Interestingly, it (apparently) turned out to be a pure bred Cavalier K.C
I have heard of humans jumping on the latest band wagon and rushing around getting home DNA tested.......
But didn't know that it was fashionable for dogs to be included!
26442 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2019, 17:12
Hello, Elle!
I was not out this afternoon.
Watching the golf.
Match play this week.
I like that format.
It's at Austin, Texas. A fine course.
Why would humans want DNA testing, Elle?
I did not know it was fashionable!
This reCaptcha is a blooming nuisance today!
26443 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2019, 19:26
Good evening, Rusty!
Apparently, home DNA testing is the latest trend......helping folk discover their ethnic origins and trace their family heritage.
Building a family tree seems to be popular...and DNA testing is supposed to be helpful in this.
I am only repeating what I have read.....and what I have been told!
I have no particular interest in this.
( I am fascinated as to why folk want to test their dogs though!)
I had trouble with ReCaptcha yesterday.
I grew sick of counting telephone wires, bridges, and shop fronts!
I wonder if Ash has upped the security level because there has been a recent increase in spam?
26444 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2019, 20:15
Hello, Elle!
My son has just left.
Had a fine time.
The latest trends and me are poles apart, I'm afraid!
I did not know about the DNA family tree thing.
One of my favourite golfers, Rickie Fowler, has a Japanese grandfather and a Native American Navajo grandmother plus European ancestors.
A good DNA mix there!
Maybe the dog DNA is useful for breeding purposes, to guarantee the dog is what it is claimed to be?
I only have trouble with reCaptcha on my tablet.
My Chromebook is left alone.
26445 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2019, 20:57
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad that you have had a good chat with your son!
I am wondering if the dog DNA might be for character suitability?
Just a long shot really..... owners might wish to know what inbred characteristics a crossbreed or mongrel might have?
I knew that my first dog was a cross bearded collie/ German shepherd, but my present dog is somewhat of a "mystery"!
Mum was a spaniel, but Dad remains unknown......
My problem with Captcha yesterday was only when answering general questions; I had no trouble posting on this thread.
26446 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2019, 22:11
Update, Rusty!
Last clue remaining......
21d: Council beginning to organise contest to fill vacated seat (6)
I am thinking that the definition must be "Council" but cannot find a word to suit?
I have checked in Bradford's....
o - o (rganise)
What am I not seeing here, please?
26447 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2019, 22:24
Hello, Elle!
Vacated seat is "s(ea)t", beginning to "o"rganise, contest is "vie", giving "soviet" for council.
I thought that was a tricky one, Elle.
26448 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2019, 22:27
I know that people find family history a big turn off, but I assure you it can throw up some fascinating stuff. You learn a lot along the way. In looking for other people I have found out about early playing card printing, Bassett-Lowke trains, bondagers (try googling that!) in N.E. England and pirates, having had a far flung family member's ship being attacked by them and a subsequent trial.
I have bought one of my sons a DNA test kit for his birthday because in his father's Cornish family men were called Ferdinando from the early 17th -late 19th centuries. I suspect we might find he has Spanish blood. I have quite a lot of Scandinavian ancestry, which is quite usual for anyone with family from the NE. Some people hope to discover who their father was. On a recent TV program abiut foundlings they even heped three find some biological family.
26449 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2019, 22:55
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, yes, I see it now, Rusty!
Thank you.
I did not know that "soviet" was also a word for "council".
Btw, I thought that was a dreadful homophone at 24a?
To my ear, "kinda " does not sound like "kinder".

Hello, Ros!
Apart from its obvious advantages, I can see potential family disasters looming with such readily available DIY DNA kits.
Possible paternity problems ?
26450 of 30765  -   Report This Post