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25th March 2019, 10:09
Thanks all for confirming which loch. The one in the Borders is near the Grey Mare's Tail waterfall. As I remember, it's not very wooded around there, so I thought it improbable.
Slight diappointment. We had extended our visit until Saturday so that we could visit Branklyn Gardens (a wonderful, if not over-large, garden). I had found on the Internet some weeks ago that it opened for the season on Saturday, but double-chceking this morning, have found that Monday is the day - we can't stay that long!
26391 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th March 2019, 10:13
Good morning, Elle!
It is a cracker of a day here!
Blue skies and not cold at all.
Rosalind was very helpful, indeed.
Only two goslings?
That may be fairly normal, Elle?
They have large families in the hope that one or two survive?
Maybe the way that geese evolved.
I will have a read of your link later.
I am not long home.
Was at ASDA and bought a blender.
It's an own brand with a two year guarantee. £15.
I am fairly sure Amazon will have loads of books on Latin.
Wonder if Chambers would have a Latin dictionary?
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25th March 2019, 10:21
Hi rusty
I'm not replying to icauser44 (the rudest poster on this forum), but I've looked up "jerkwater" too. The origin is wonderful!
26393 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th March 2019, 10:25
I think there was a "Thomas the tank engine" story where he had to be refilled from a stream and his tubes got blocked by fish...
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25th March 2019, 10:26
Hello, Chris!
A good link!
I agree about the poster.

Update, Elle!
Had a look on Amazon for books on Latin verbs.
You will be spoiled for choice, methinks.
There are many books there.
Happy hunting!
26395 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th March 2019, 10:50
Hi, Rusty!
Well done on buying the blender!
I was just going to ask you about it..... no excuse now for not having a healthy kale smoothie today!
And what of the washing machine?
Did you get to Currys to price them up?
Is there a time limit for when you want it?
I do have a Latin dictionary, Rusty - it is a Collins, so I am quite happy with that.
I am not so pleased with my verb table book.......
I am looking for one that is better set out.......
Yes, I shall check on Amazon, as you say there is plenty of choice there.
It is a good excuse for a pleasurable browse through Amazon books!
And who knows what else I might find....?

BTW....icauser thinks we are "smartasses" because of our replies!

Yes, Great minds, Ros!
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25th March 2019, 11:45
My elder son is completely little train mad, chris, so much that he moved to North Wales so he could drive them often! When he was little I read Thomas the TE so often I still know chunks by heart! There is indeed one where the boiler tubes get blocked by fish- "Engines don't go fishing, it's too painful". He would say "Pain throat" when we got to that bit, which was eventually adopted to mean a pain in the feelings!
26397 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th March 2019, 12:06
Hello, Elle!
Blender is working fine.
I have looked at Currys online site and they have hundreds of washing machines.
It won't be needed for at least six weeks.
It is for my grandson and he does not get the keys to his new flat until 6/8 weeks.
I would not worry about what Icauser says.
Seems to get involved with odd puzzles.
26398 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th March 2019, 14:17
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Your grandson will be delighted with the gift of a washing machine!
I remember your doing something similar for Miss ATW, when she bought her flat
A very thoughtful gesture.
What type of property is your grandson buying?
Is it a "new" modern flat? or a "conversion" in a big old house?
Speaking of conversions.......
The house next to us still stands empty and neglected.....having completely gutted it, I think the young man who bought it has run out of money for his planned conversion to flats.
Is this good or bad?
I don't know what will happen to it now......
Have you done your puzzle today?
I have finished mine, bar one clue I cannot do, and two suspect parses!
But inspiration may yet strike...... on my return from a walk!
I shall be back in a bit!
26399 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th March 2019, 14:29
At least you won't have any more visits from the young man's mother, elle! Someone will buy it and maybe turn it back into a family home.

I am off out to cut the grass
26400 of 30765  -   Report This Post