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23rd March 2019, 18:57
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for the clip.
Now I know who you are talking about!
I am now down to five remaining parses.....the other three just came to me!
Okay, if you are sure you are up for it, here goes......
I have answers and definitions for all the is just bits here and there that I cannot get?
13a: abnormal = extraordinary (def)
23a: comma = which gives us pause (def)
25a: patriarch = family head (def)
1d: Pusillanimous = undetermined (def)
all is up (reversed) - everything's doomed
7d: trisect = cut into thirds (def)
Thank you!
26351 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2019, 19:12
Hello, Elle!
13, the gentle person is a "lamb", "a" in clue, not is "nor"
Think retiring means reverse.
23a, This is a puzzle. Order is "comma(nd)" but I am unsure of November which?
1d, I thought was a great clue!
Finland is "Suomi", "n" for note, "all is up" for everthing's doomed.
All reversed for "pusillanimous".
7d a camp could be a "sect", spruce could be "tri(m)"
25. Dry up is "parch", crime syndicate saving the last is "tria(d)" inside "parch".
I am going to think some more about 23a!
I like to get all the parses sorted!
26352 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2019, 19:21
Update, Elle.
If we say "order" is "command".
In the NATO lingo November is "N".
So clue says stopped short of November.
Giving "comma (Nd)". How's that?
Does it make sense?
26353 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2019, 19:57
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, thank you for the explanations.
I did not know that "Suomi" is the Finnish for Finland.
I struggled for ages to discover what to add to "All's up" to make "pusillanimous"!
Yes, I now understand all except 23a?
Re "comma"......I had wondered about removing the N (November)from "command" but still couldn't account for the "d"?
I think I'm being a tad dense here?
No...... no wait......I've got it!
Yes, I see...... it's stopping short ie BEFORE both the "n" and the "d" are eliminated?
That is what you mean, isn't it?
Yes, well done, I am sure you are right!
Nearly time now for "The Voice"......
26354 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2019, 20:08
Hello, Elle!
Yes, that's what I mean.
Stopping short of November means it does not get as far as "nd".
So "comma|nd" becomes "comma".
I think it's OK?
I wondered for a wee while if it was anything to do with butterflies, as a comma is a kind of butterfly!
I liked the Suomi/Finland clue.
Well done, setter!
Hope "The Voice" is good!
26355 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2019, 21:22
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you so much for your patience, Rusty.
Now I can put the crossword to bed!
Yes, I am enjoying "The Voice"...
This is the last week of the "Knockout" rounds....
Next week will be the "live" Semi -Finals!
I think tonight, we, the audience, are to have a vote - this is an innovation in the programme.
We get to "resurrect" one of the acts already knocked out.........
I wonder, shall I ring in and vote?
26356 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2019, 21:36
Hello, Elle!
Of course you should vote!
I remember voting on BGT.
I voted for Diversity, Ashleigh and Pudsey, Stavros Flatley, and Cor Glanaethwy, and possibly more that have slipped my mind.
Think I voted for Henry Gallagher, and Innova, too.
Get voting!
26357 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2019, 22:22
Hi, Rusty!
Well, actually, I do not appear able to vote!
Normally, on the "live" shows , we are given telephone numbers to ring to vote for our "favourite", but tonight, the only method offered to "resurrect" a knocked-out performer, was to download an app from the programme?
I am lost here....I have idea what they are talking about ?
Nor do I have a suitable appliance on which to download it, anyway?
I am feeling quite cross!
26358 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2019, 22:42
Hello, Elle!
That seems a bit of a cheek needing to download an app?
It is a telephone number on BGT.
In effect you have to download an app that you would use only once to cast a vote.
Sounds a right palaver, to me.
Is it possible to download apps to your desktop?
26359 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2019, 23:08
Hi, Rusty!
No, I don't think I can download The Voice app to my desk top.
I have already investigated the prospect, but it would seem that I have to download it to a phone or a tablet?
This is the first time that this quandary has arisen.
Usually phone numbers for public voting are given at the end of the programme.
I hope that this hiccough is only a one-off , and that I will be able to phone in and vote at the end of the Semi- Final and Final.
I feel somewhat cheated!
26360 of 30765  -   Report This Post