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24th March 2019, 07:45
Good morning, Elle!
Looks a fine morning outside!
Lassie has landed!
She arrived last night and slept in the nest.
There will be quite a few like you who have no means of downloading an app, I'd say.
It does not get good reviews.

26361 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th March 2019, 09:32
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a beautiful day here, too, blue sky and sunshine...feeling a bit chilly, though, as yet.
Yes, this app business is very annoying...
I have read the comments on the link that you sent, so at least I know I am not alone in my opinion!
I am used to having a phone option for voting.
I hope this app business will not continue throughout the judging, or else many contestants may be deprived of valuable votes from other "dinosaurs" like me!
Great news about Lassie's arrival!
What are you up to today?
26362 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th March 2019, 09:49
Hello, Elle!
I have not been out yet.
The comments indicate it to be a poor app!
I would prefer the simplicity of a 'phone vote.
I think Lassie was exhausted after her journey.
She slept most of the night in the nest.
(Think she approved of Laddie's home making!)
There have been several matings, too.
So all looks to be normal.
Miss O and me are going to Pine Cone later.
After that I have no plans, other than keeping an eye on Jim Furyk at the golf this evening.
Rickie Fowler is not playing.
Jim is going along nicely.
26363 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th March 2019, 10:12
Hello, Elle,
Another couple of clues from "O Tempora!"
21a, They seize and carry off: sic iuvenes Romani illas iuvenes Sabinorum (7)
18d, Oxen (3rd n.): poculi calidi reminisceris (5)
19d, Alone you stand (4)
11d, Mea___est caruisse Urbe : my sadness is to have missed the City (9)
I don't know about your Chambers, Elle, but at the back of mine, there is a section of "foreign phrases", mostly Latin and French.
26364 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th March 2019, 10:35
Hi, Rusty!
I have looked in the nest...only one bird there, but he / she would not face the camera, so I am uncertain which one it is.
I shall check again later.
I am glad that Lassie and Laddie are together again (she says sentimentally)........
Hopefully, there will be some eggs in the near future!
Thank you for the further Latin clues...I shall save them for later.
I am halfway through a much harder than of late (Praise be!) Everyman at the moment.
( What an unwieldy sentence - sorry!)
I have a section in the back of my Chambers entitled "Foreign Words" in assorted languages, but no Latin slant......
It may be different from yours?
What time is Miss O collecting you for the Pine Cone?
26365 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th March 2019, 10:48
Hello, Elle!
The bird will be Lassie. She has not left the nest since she landed.
Set to protect her territory!
In my family we have "normal time" and "Miss O time"!
She is a law unto herself with time.
But, hopefully collecting me in twenty minutes.
It is "foreign phrases" in my book, Elle.
Example, "quocunque jeceris stabit", (L), whithersoever you throw it, it will stand. ----- the motto of the Isle of Man.
"Pace tua" (L) by your leave.
"Si vis pacem, para bellum", (L) if you would have peace, be ready for war.
26366 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th March 2019, 11:08
Hi, Rusty!
My husband and Miss O would get on well!
I always have to tell him that we are due somewhere at least twenty to thirty minutes ahead of the pre- arranged time, in order to get him there promptly.
I like to be on time!
No, there are no "Foreign Phrases" of Latin in my ill- fated 13th edition of Chambers.
I shall have to use my dictionary and my verb tables if I cannot remember a Latin declension or conjugation.
I'm still doing the Everyman off and on between other things!
Enjoy your outing!
26367 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th March 2019, 13:40
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I hope you had a good time at the Pine Cone?
We are away out now.....
We are all meeting up to take the dog for a long walk!
It is a glorious afternoon ...and quite warmish, too, now.
Catch you later......I should be home around teatime.
26368 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th March 2019, 14:44
Good afternoon, Elle!
Had a fine time at Pine Cone.
It was lovely weather but blustery.
Miss O was cold!
26369 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th March 2019, 16:16
Hi, Rusty!
Home again .... and here to stay now.
It was beautiful out!
The children had their bikes and scooters.
A disaster seems to have struck the goslings...I could only see two.....
Perhaps the third one had temporarily wandered away?
I shall check in the morning.
How gallant of Laddie to present Lassie with a fish on her arrival!
I am pleased to say that the Everyman was back on track today... much harder than of late, and I enjoyed the added challenge.
All done and dusted!
I haven't had chance yet to look at the Sunday Times Cryptic....
I shall do so now over a coffee.......
26370 of 30765  -   Report This Post