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17th March 2019, 19:27
Jim's doing well, Rusty!
Rahm is a player I don't take to. I love it when players of any sport can laugh when things go wrong (though I can't). Jim hit the flag on 17 (at pace) last night and it bounced out. He laughed, though possibly because he realised that it would have been 15ft past if it hadn't hit the pin!
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17th March 2019, 19:47
I am very impressed with Jim, Chris.
I thought he was semi-retired!
I love the 17th.
A great hole!
26242 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th March 2019, 19:54
An awful lot of indifferent putting going on in the last 20 minutes or so!
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17th March 2019, 21:02
Goodness, Chris, Jim is in the clubhouse leading by one!
Lot of good players to finish, though!
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17th March 2019, 21:57
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad that the golf is going well!
You have a fellow supporter in Chris!
The family members up north in Blackburn are all well.
They have run the gamut with the weather, though, beating us here in also having snow in places.
There have been bad floods near where my cousin's younger daughter and family live, but they have fortunately escaped any damage.
All is quiet outside longer any sound of wind!
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17th March 2019, 21:57
Hello, Elle!
The forecast here is good for next week, though it is quite cold tonight.
Is this your grandson's preferred school that he is going to?
Yes, Laddie is playing a storm getting the nest all ready for Lassie.
I hope she approves!
26246 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th March 2019, 22:11
Hi, Rusty!
Oops, another crossing of posts!
We must have been struck by the same thought to communicate at the same moment!!
Yes, this is my grandson's special choice of school.
He had sat a special test for it...and had been offered a provisional place , but basically it seems to be down to the local Council whether this is honoured.
I cannot even begin to understand the complicated (peculiar) system!
However, this is now a definite award of a place - from the Council as well as the school.
So a cause for celebration!
26247 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th March 2019, 22:21
Hello, Elle!
Yes, posts crossed!
The golf was very entertaining I thought.
Rory McIlroy won, and Jim Furyk came second.
That's good the Blackburn folks are all fine.
And they had snow, too?
And after the snow, the floods!
Things have came good for your grandson!
We do not have that system up here, but they do in Norn Iron.
My friends have been through that with their daughters.
26248 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2019, 09:47
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
A lovely day here..... sunshine , blue sky and just a gentle breeze.....perfect!
I was reluctant to end my walk and come home.
I have some paper work to sort out, and a couple of letters still to write, but otherwise the day is my own.
How about you?
Any plans?
26249 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2019, 10:52
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here, too.
No frost!
I have no plans today.
I may visit Currys later, though.
I have finished my puzzle.
26250 of 30765  -   Report This Post