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18th March 2019, 22:38
Hello, Elle!
A good idea to speak to the intermediary.
She will have a good idea of how things work.
Is it too soon to know when the work will start?
26261 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th March 2019, 08:28
No osprey pictures this morning, just a black screen and a rotating white part-circle. Should this be reported somewhere?
26262 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th March 2019, 09:25
Working again now
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19th March 2019, 10:07
Good morning, Rusty!
We have rain again today.......mildish, though, and, thankfully, no strong wind!
What is it like with you?
Yes, I intend to phone the "liaison lady" later this morning....once I have dealt with a few other minor issues first.
I do not know how soon we can expect repair work to start, Rusty.
Our builder friend came round on Friday to assess the damage, and we are now awaiting a written estimate from him.
And we have another building firm coming tomorrow to provide a second estimate, as required.
Then these will have to be submitted to the Insurance company......
I'm assuming we then wait for the go-ahead approval?
I shall see if I can get a 'plan of campaign' from our friendly "helper" this morning.
She might as well earn her keep!
I see Laddie is still tending the nest.... no sign of Lassie yet though?

Yes, all seems okay now, Chris.
Laddie is administering to the nest....hopefully, Lassie will join him soon.
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19th March 2019, 10:13
Chris, the rangers Tweeted an apology yesterday about the webcam problems and hoped to resolve it quickly.
(Not everyone uses Twitter though!)
Seems to be OK just now.
26265 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th March 2019, 10:19
Thanks Rusty
After I reported it "working again" it dropped out a few times. Crossed fingers, it seems to be more stable now.
26266 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th March 2019, 10:20
Good morning, Elle!
A bit overcast here but mild.
Fine when out walking.
Ah, yes, the estimates will have to be okayed by your insurance company.
A good idea to get as much info/help from your designated "helper".
Much better than being left alone to worry about it.
Laddie was sitting on the nest a few minutes ago.
It is one year tomorrow that Lassie flew in, the 20th.
She won't be far away!
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19th March 2019, 10:21
Did I mention that we're staying with friends in Perth next week? The loch might be one of our destinations (though there are now Lake District sites where ospreys can be watched).
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19th March 2019, 10:31
Chris, there are many osprey sites now, although many are not made known to the general public.
They are trying to establish nests as far south as Poole.
Healthy chicks were taken from Scottish nests and hand fed and reared at Poole.
Let's hope they return safely.
26269 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th March 2019, 11:09
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, the "best laid plans of mice and men.....".........
The liaison lady is away today!
I left a message that I would phone her tomorrow
And I was all psyched up to deal with it all, too.
I do better when I am firing on all cylinders!
(Do I have the correct expression?)
Ah well.
Time for a coffee and a look at the is technically "elevenses" time!
The sun is creeping out now.

Hello, Chris!
That would be good to go to see the Loch of Lowes osprey site in person, whilst in the vicinity
You could report back with a personal viewpoint!
Although with the Lake District practically on your doorstep, you will have easier access to the ospreys there.
Worth investigating?
26270 of 30765  -   Report This Post