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19th March 2019, 12:07
Hello, Elle!
Well, if nothing else, it will give you time to get your questions etc written down before you speak to your "helper".
A bit of prep work will come in useful.
It is a good puzzle today.
21d and 22d are new words to me.
Some very good clues, I thought.
I came across a new word in the letters column in my local paper today.
It is not in my Chambers or Collins, but is in the Scots Dictionary.
It means "a great mess".
The writer was describing Brexit!
I like "bourach" as a word!
26271 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th March 2019, 13:54
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Uhm, yes, but you know me......I like to do things as when and when I think of them!
I do not like to wait, once I have decided upon action.
I am in gear for sorting this out NOW!
However , it is temporarily out of my hands ......tomorrow will have to do!
Yes, a nice crossword puzzle......we are having a number recently that I am feeling relatively happy about!
I am stuck though with four clues......all in the bottom right hand corner...... and interlinked with each other, which does not help me.
Your new word at 21a is one of those that I cannot do?
21a, 27a and their crossers 21d and 18d are the culprits escaping my solving!
"Bourach" is a new word for me , too!
Yes, Brexit is indeed in a great mess now.......
26272 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th March 2019, 14:07
Hello, Elle!
My new word is not 21a but 21 down.
21a is Brist(o)lE
I am presuming Bristol has a a Uni!
18d "mobile" is an anagram indicator.
That should get you going, Elle.
I have never heard of the writer at 21d.
Maybe you have not came across 27a before?
It is a word meaning a "hermit" you need.
I like "bourach".
I'll try and fit it to a chat with someone.
Off for a stroll now.
These "reCaptchas" are a blooming pest today!
26273 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th March 2019, 15:09
Hi, Rusty!
Sorry, yes, my mistake.
Yes, I can see the parsing now for "bristle".
For 27a, I have looked up "hermit" and got "anchorite" - that is a new word for me.
anchor - make fast
rite - mass
And18d: "seashell" = "home by the coast..."
An anagram of "he sells a"
I still do not know the American writer?
Maybe "Bierce"?
ER - queen
b - book
ice - cool
Yes, I think that must be it?
Thank you for your help!
We, too are now going out for a walk -- we shall join you in spirit, if not in actuality!
26274 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th March 2019, 16:34
Hi elle
Ambrose Bierce was a very funny writer. He wrote The devil's dictionary, in which he gave odd definitions for various things (a little too mush cod verse for my taste). He died in mysterious circumstances, probably in 1914.

One of my favourites is for MAN
"An animal so lost in raprurous contemplation of what he thinks he is as to overlook what he indubitably ought to be. His chief occupation is extermination of other animals and his own species, which, however, multiplies with such insistent rapidity as to infest the whole habitable earth and Canada."

(Don't know what he had against Canada!)
26275 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th March 2019, 17:32
Hi, Rusty!
Home again now for the rest of the day!
It has been a pleasant afternoon, sunny and mild.
I hope you enjoyed your walk?
I had never heard of Bierce......nor of The Devil's Dictionary!
Although it sounds intriguing?
I might look into that on Amazon?

Thank you, Chris, for the info on Bierce.
I like his definition of "man"!
26276 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th March 2019, 19:21
Good evening, Elle!
Been a fine day here, too.
Yes, had a stroll to the building site.
They are doing well there.
Me too, I had not heard of Bierce.
Did you find his book?
Here's a new blog from the loch.

26277 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th March 2019, 20:35
Hi, Rusty!
Is this the new Aldi that you have been investigating?
When is it due to be finished?
Yes, I have found several copies of Ambrose Bierce's "The Devil's Dictionary" on Amazon.
Some are in very good condition for only 1p, plus the usual postage cost.
I am still undecided ...I am putting the book on my "maybe later" list.
Laddie looks busy , doing up the nest!
Thank you for the update.....
I hope Lassie comes soon!
26278 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th March 2019, 22:58
Hello, Elle!
Yes, the new Aldi is going up very quickly.
The lads tell me early to mid summer should see it completed.
There is a board up already with the opening hours on it!
Are the Devil's Dictionaries here or in the USA?
Laddie likes moving sticks about!
It was one year ago tomorrow that Lassie flew in.
She will be on her way!
26279 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th March 2019, 07:10
Morning, Rusty. Thanks for being such an ace reporter - reporting all the spam, dross, rubbish that's appeared today!
26280 of 30765  -   Report This Post