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6th March 2019, 10:51
Good morning, Elle!
Wild and wet here, too.
I am just home.
Your builders appear to be on the ball.
That's encouraging!
Yes, I much prefer Jeremy to Tarrant on Millionaire.
He is often funny!
I thought the Stop sign was round, so I would have struggled with that one!
When he was asked which country Val d'Isere was in, he told us of several of his fingers being broken there (skiing?) and various other things about it, but still was not certain of which country it was in!
Millionaire is on every evening this week.
26031 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2019, 13:18
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, the builders are great guys.....
They put back the schedule on one of their other jobs to come round here first thing this morning, and make it all safe for us.
I have spent the time since, reorganising the dining room and hoovering (again)...... putting the table back in situ (now that no more rubble can fall) and carrying all the dining chairs back in there, from the lounge ( I had had to put them somewhere)
I know everything will again need to be removed, whenever the repair job starts , but that may well be some time ahead.
Meanwhile, life can carry on as "normal", and we shall need the table when the family comes at the weekend.
I can now start on sorting out the lounge...
I had had to shift things around to accommodate all the dining chairs!
Have you done your crossword?
I shall take a break soon, and have a look at mine!
26032 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2019, 14:27
Good afternoon, Elle!
Still wild and wet here.
Has your table dried out yet?
The builders sound like decent lads, anyway.
I have finished my puzzle, yes.
5d is puzzling me.
I have it parsed but unless it is John Wayne's character in The Quiet Man, I am stumped as to who the definition is.
I'll go back to it later.
A good puzzle though.
The webcam at the loch is working again.
Weather looks pretty wet and windy there, too.
26033 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2019, 14:41

it is Thornton Wilder, author of Stage Manager. Not famous enough to be subject of a clue
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6th March 2019, 15:04
Hello, Jigjag!
Thank you for that!
He or she is new to me, I'm afraid.
I was wondering if it could have been Sean Thornton, a character in The Quiet Man, but I did not think it likely!
26035 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2019, 15:09
The Thornton's cottage from the film was re-created as a tourist attraction - in the middle of the town of Cong, though! (I've been there.)
26036 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2019, 15:35
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I wish I had never started this .....
I have got carried away with my cleaning , sorting out, and tidying up!
What began as a biggish job has become gigantic!
And all my own fault!
I have kept moving on from one task to another......if you could see the state of my dining room and lounge.....!
I haven't had chance to do the crossword!
Did you solve the one you were hesitant about ?
26037 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2019, 15:49
Hello, Elle,
It is good to get a good sort out done.
Yes, I had already finished my puzzle.
The one I mentioned was straightforward enough to solve.
My problem was I had not heard of the definition, an American writer's first name.
But, these things happen in puzzles.
Some snow blowing through, now.
Been a wintry day!
26038 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2019, 17:14
Hi, Rusty!
We are now looking more shipshape.
It was well worth all the effort.
You are having snow showers?
Rain has been intermittent here throughout the day, but thankfully no snow!
Daughter phoned on her way home..... the trains seem to be running better today, and she was on schedule.
I am planning to sit down for the rest of the day......
Mind you, it is only a may well not happen!!
26039 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2019, 17:40
Hello, Elle!
Yes, we have had snow blowing through, but it did not come to much.
More forecast for the weekend, though.
I wonder if this site has been updated?
When I logged on just now my log on box was coloured blue.
It is usually yellow.
Though Chrome has just done an update, too.
All over my head!
26040 of 30765  -   Report This Post