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3rd March 2019, 12:56
Hi, Rusty!
Did you and Miss O have a good time?
It is raining steadily here....I may decide to stay indoors for the rest of the day.
I have finished both the Everyman - an incredible number of anagrams! - and the ST Cryptic, whilst watching the Athletics' field events.
Now for testing out the bath.....!
We were told not to use it yesterday to allow the re-sealing to set firmly - but I am now going to use the shower head to wash my hair!
Well, they say "the proof of the pudding is in the eating"... or some such......
We shall see whether the "repairs" have been a success!
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3rd March 2019, 17:26
Hello, Ell,
Yes, we had a good time.
Been a fine day here.
How were the repairs?
No problems?
25992 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd March 2019, 18:50
Good evening, Rusty!
No, no problems.... everything seems good!
I managed to wash my hair without inflicting any further damage.
I don't think any more ceiling is going to come down.......two lots were bad enough!
I am watching the Athletics...... my cousin will have to wait for me to phone tonight, until the Championships are over!
What have you been up to?
Have you watched much of the Athletics?
Or have you been watching the cycling instead?
25993 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd March 2019, 19:26

Good evening, Elle!
That's good about your ceiling staying up.
Once you speak to your builder friends you should make progress with the repairs.
I am not watching athletics until eight o'clock.
Watched a bit of the cycling earlier.
Rickie Fowler is lying second in the golf and will keep an eye on him, too!
This weekend is hectic viewing!
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3rd March 2019, 20:00
Hi, Rusty!
I had forgotten that you had the golf to watch , too!
Good luck to Rickie Fowler.
I hadn't realised, until Gabby Logan just mentioned it, that the Athletics continues over on BBC4 until 9.30!
I shall have to miss the end......what a pity!
Ah well... family comes first...and I need to phone my cousin by 8.30.
I shall ring her after I have watched Laura race.
25995 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd March 2019, 22:28
Hello, Elle!
Rickie is one off the lead and he has one hole to play.
Exciting stuff!
Do you not get BBC4, or am I misinterpreting your meaning?
Laura was mighty in the final!
The girl is good!
Hope your cousin is fine.
You will have plenty to tell her, anyway!
25996 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd March 2019, 23:09
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I do have BBC 4?
I am not sure what you thought I meant?
Yes, Laura was brilliant! but then, she always is!
I watched her race, and then I rang my cousin.
All well up there.
I am hard put to stay awake........too much riotous living!
25997 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd March 2019, 23:18
Hello, Elle!
You said athletics was moving to BBC4 and you would miss the end.
And I'm thinking you would miss the end because you do not get BBC4.
That was my misinterpretation.
Laura was in a class of her own.
Good that your cousin is doing OK.
Rickie was joint second at the golf.
He tied with Brooks Koepka for second place, but Keith Mitchell won.
I have never heard of Keith Mitchell!
It is his first win.
25998 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd March 2019, 23:40
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, I see!
No....I simply meant that I couldn't watch because I was due to ring my cousin!
I'm sorry if I confused brain is a tad addlepated!
Too much to organise......and too little sleep.....
Speaking of which...... time for bed!
Talk tomorrow.
25999 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th March 2019, 09:42
Good morning, Elle!
It is cold here but brightening up.
They tell me there was a lot of rain in the early hours!
My brain lets me down at times, too,
I agree, family comes first, before sport!
And it's Cheltenham next week!
Good luck talking to the builders!
26000 of 30765  -   Report This Post