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5th March 2019, 13:15
Hi, Rusty!
I am home for the day now!
Yes, I remember hearing that Kevin was a "phone-a-friend" for Peter Kay, although I did not see the programme.
Peter Kay hails from Bolton, and Paddy McGuiness, also a comedian, is originally from Farnworth, which is just three miles from Bolton.
I have never listened to either comedian, so cannot say whether or not they are funny!
I knew that Kevin didn't drive...but not that he has a collection of Scottish musical instruments.
I like Kevin - he is very quiet and unassuming, and very modest, despite knowing almost everything!
Well, time for a coffee, and then I shall take a look at today's crossword....
My brain may be more up to the challenge today!
26021 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2019, 14:46
Hello, Elle!
It has brightened up here!
I knew Peter Kay sang "Amarillo" and that is all.
I like Kevin, too.
He has won Mastermind and Brain of Britain, as well.
I liked today's puzzle.
24 is a new word for me, and I have vaguely heard of 5d.
26022 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2019, 16:55
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, you name it...Kevin has won it...not just once...but several times over!
A nice man.
I have finished today's puzzle , undramatically and all parsed!
A pleasant change from my efforts of yesterday.
I, also, had never heard of "damselfish"!
I have just been talking to my daughter...she rang as usual on her way home...she was earlier today.
I wonder what to have for dinner?
26023 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2019, 19:10
Good evening, Elle!
Well done on completing your puzzle!
It was a good one today.
I was on the same wavelength as our setter.
There is an awful lot of fish I have never heard of!
A man won £500,000 on Millionaire last night.
He would not attempt the final question, very wisely, as he would have got it wrong.
I liked the programme.
Now, the odd thing is, I never used to like Jeremy Clarkson, the quizmaster, but I like him on this show.

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5th March 2019, 20:19
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I enjoyed today's puzzle..., especially after I felt so in the doldrums after struggling with yesterday's!
So is Jeremy Clarkson hosting "Millionaire" now?
What happened to Chris Tarrant?
I have just been watching last Saturday's episode of "Casualty," on BBC iPlayer.
I had set the recorder wrongly on Saturday, and managed to record the wrong channel!
It is an ongoing storyline , with episode two tonight, so I wanted to catch up with the previous showing.
Our mechanic friend has just come to collect our car.
He is going to service it tomorrow and then take it for its MOT.
Fingers crossed there will be no problems!
26025 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2019, 20:49
Hello, Elle!
Tomorrow's puzzle should be a bit harder.
I have no idea what happened with Tarrant.
I used to like him, but I went off him.
Clarkson has a bit of humour about him and that appeals to me.
I prefer him to Tarrant.
There is another "lifeline" now.
You can ask Jeremy if he knows the answer.
That is often very funny!
Hopefully your car will be fine on MOT.
26026 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2019, 21:50
Hi, Rusty!
I know Jeremy Clarkson was/is? something to do with "Top Gear", but I have never watched that programme.
I don't understand how the extra lifeline in "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" works?
Ask Jeremy?
Surely he isn't allowed to provide the answer?
26027 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2019, 22:20
Hello, Elle!
I don't watch "Top Gear", too.
Yes, the contestant can "ask the host" as a lifeline!
It is quite funny!
Last night one of the questions was "In which country is Val d'Isere".
Either France or another three countries
Now the contestant had a good inkling, but was not certain, that the answer was France.
And he had read somewhere that Jeremy often went to Val d'Isere, so he opted to "Ask Jeremy" as a lifeline.
And.... Jeremy thought it was France but was not sure at all!
So eventually the lad plumped for France, and was right.
Jeremy has no idea of the answers, so it's quite a good lifeline to use if you are struggling, and you think Jeremy may know!
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5th March 2019, 22:31
Update, Elle!
Here's "ask Jeremy" in action!
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6th March 2019, 10:16
Good morning, Rusty!
It is wet and windy here!
I am just home from my walk to discover that the builders have already been.
How about that for efficiency?
They decided that the remainder of the ceiling is solid enough, but that the hole was unsafe (random rocks, and rubble, have been trickling through!) and so have temporarily blocked it up with a thick tarpaulin nailed over the gap.
Their eldest brother is coming next week to take a look and give us an estimate for the repairs.
I have watched the video clip of Jeremy offering his opinion on "Millionaire".
He is quite funny!
I should have thought that as a host for "Top Gear", he would have been more assured of the answer!
It is time for a coffee.....
26030 of 30765  -   Report This Post