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6th March 2019, 18:48
Hi, Rusty!
Do you log on and off the Forum during the day, then?
I only log on the once, just after switching on the computer in the morning.
I don't do anything else until shutting down the computer at night?
And my log-in box is always white, with the space for my name outlined in blue, and that for my password outlined in black.
Oops, doorbell ringing ..that will be Chris bringing the car back.....
Back later.....
26041 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2019, 19:05
Good evening, Elle!
I like your phrase "the once".
That is one of mine, too!
I sometimes log out and sometimes I do not.
But my "username" and "password" boxes were always yellow, but now they are blue.
Chrome did an update earlier, but I would not think that would make a difference, surely?
I have not looked at my tablet to see if that's changed, as well.
Hope the car has passed MOT !
26042 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2019, 20:28
Hi, Rusty!
Our friend has only just gone home!
we have all been chatting , drinking coffee and eating biscuits.
Yes, the car passed its MOT!
Chris did a few minor adjustments beforehand, but all went well.
I do not understand why your log -in boxes are different colours from mine?
Is this because you are using a different browser?
I should have thought - in my ignorance! - that the colour of the boxes went with the website?
But I'm probably talking rubbish!
26043 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2019, 20:34
In the last couple of days, my log-in boxes for BTmail have changed from orangey-yellow to blue - I thought it was just me! As with you, elle, I stay logged-on to the crossword site unless I need to restart - I would do this with Email too, but for security reasons it logs me out every few hours.
(I use Chrome)
26044 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2019, 21:09
Hello, Elle!
That will be a relief to get your car through the MOT!
I agree with you.
I would have thought this website log-in boxes would not be affected by a Chrome update, so, a mystery!
I just had a look at my Hudl, and the log-in and password boxes for this site are still yellow!
But my Hudl is on Brave browser, so......!
26045 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2019, 21:33
Hi, Rusty!
I am totally confused!
I use Edge, but thought I would try logging in to the Forum through Chrome - as used by you and Chris - to see what happened?
The answer is simply that all remains the same as it does with Edge - all check - in boxes are "white"!
Are you watching "Millionaire" again?

Hello, Chris!
I, too, have to put in my password when looking at my email, from time to time, as a security measure, but I can adjust this to suit myself.
26046 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2019, 22:04
Hello, Elle!
A mystery indeed!
I looked at this website on my 'phone, which is on Opera browser and my log-in box and password box are yellow!
But my username and password are already there.
Must be the way I set it up, possibly.
I think Google "remembers" passwords if you select that option.
No, I am recording Millionaire, I'll look at it tomorrow.
I was watching a bit of the football.
26047 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2019, 22:55
Update, Elle!
Finally, Jeremy gets asked a question he knows the answer to...or does he?

26048 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th March 2019, 10:02
Good morning, Rusty!
A pleasant sunny day here - but extremely windy!
Good to be out though.
I have just watched Jeremy....I wonder how much faith one can ever place in his answers?
He is funny, though!
I shall have a leisurely morning..... there is nothing in particular happening today.
My husband has just left for the first of his six week Thursday mornings' exercise classes
This is supposed to help with his right knee problems.
The exercises learned are then supposed to be repeated daily, indefinitely.
So I shall look at the crossword......
First though, a coffee!
26049 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th March 2019, 11:01
Good morning, Elle!
Still a bit wet here, though the wind has eased.
Good luck with your puzzle.
I have started it but have stalled.
I'll go back to it later.
You would be wise not to have any faith in Jeremy's answers, as this clip shows!

26050 of 30765  -   Report This Post