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13th February 2019, 19:48
Would you like the answers, elle?
25681 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th February 2019, 20:04
Good evening, Elle!
It seems that large broods help to ensure that some young birds will survive.
That will be the strategy.
4d, I was surprised with this one, Elle, as I thought the answer was two words?
But, anyway, "leftfield".
In many field games a red card shown to a player means he has offended and must take no further part in the game, and he has "left field".
I think the "leftfield" is an American term for "unusual".
12a, Think Maureen O'Hara! She was "Herself"
This answer is "Himself".
A word much used in Ireland.
The great racehorse, Arkle, used to get fanmail addressed to "Himself, Ireland"!
I think our setter is indicating that if he was not feeling himself that day, he was not in good form.
What do you think?
28, Stop is "kick", a habit, say. "stick" means "stand", as in "I can not stick/stand that TV show.
And kickstands are used on some bikes.
How's that?
25682 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th February 2019, 20:37
Hi, Rusty!
I knew neither "leftfield" not "kickstand", Rusty, and would never have arrived at either word unaided.
I can see it, though, now that you have explained it to me.
So thank you!
However, I am not grasping "himself"?
I do not understand the clue at all?
Our elder daughter has just phoned to give a 'progress' report!
All are well, the weather is improving, and the children are thriving!
All thankfully par for the course!
Half term next week!

Hello, Chris!
I left you a message on here several days ago - and many pages ago - which you obviously missed!
I was asking how you are getting on with your (now not so ) new electric car?
I was put in mind of it, when reading about our local Council having set up additional recharging points in our local car parks.
25683 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th February 2019, 20:49
Hello, Elle!
"Leftfield" could maybe be a baseball originated term for unusual.
Right, "himself"!
I think the stressed bit is "himself", rather than "him", if you follow?
The word "himself" is stressed more than the word "him".
If he had been ill, say, and was recovering, he would be feeling more like "himself", and getting into "good form".
I hope that makes sense?
That is, of course, if I grasp our setter's meaning.
Just ask, Elle, if my explanation is not great!
That's good that your family are to the fore!
I am going out with Miss O tomorrow. (my Valentine date!)
I think her school is off for half term, too.
25684 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th February 2019, 20:55
Hi elle
Electric car still perfect for my purposes. I did have a sticky moment last year when I had taken a friend to play golf at Chorley, which I reckoned was easily in range. Problem was there was a road closure and long diversion on the way back. Made it home with about 5 miles left in the battery!
25685 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th February 2019, 22:14
Hi, Rusty!
I think I "see", Rusty, but perhaps "through a glass darkly"?
I am sure that it is not your explanation that is at fault, but rather my failure to grasp it!
Perhaps it is just a rather obscure clue?!
Yes, Valentine's Day tomorrow!
Miss O is honoured to have you as her Valentine's date!
Are you going to the Pine Cone.....or trying out the 'new' restaurant?
I think that my friend from Benfleet is making yet another attempt to get over here!
Hopefully, she will make it this time.

Oops! That was cutting it fine, Chris!
25686 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th February 2019, 22:44
Hello, Elle!
I think it is a good enough clue but I can not form the phrases to explain it properly to you!
I know what I mean to say, but am not good at putting my thoughts into words.
And I do not want to fall into the trap of blaming the setter for a mediocre clue when it is me who can not put the parse across properly.
Miss O is the boss, she'll decide where we go, but will allow me to pay!
She likes the Pine Cone, though, and is on very good terms with the waitresses there.
Be great if your friend from Benfleet can make it.
How is your friend getting on in Aberfeldy?
25687 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th February 2019, 23:04
Hi, Rusty!
It is getting decidedly chillier again here.....there is quite a bite in the air.
Not the time to put away the "winter woollies" just yet!
The Aberfeldy contingent are apparently loving it up there!
Of course, as the house previously belonged to Sally's mother, the family was already conversant with the area, and knew a number of people already, before they moved permanently up to Aberfeldy.
The dogs especially are very happy with their newfound 'freedom'!
25688 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th February 2019, 07:40
Good morning, Elle!
It's still mild up here, though not quite shirt sleeve weather!
Aberfeldy is in a lovely part of the world.
It's a wee while since I've been.
Think the last time was to watch a bike race.
Sally will like it there, I'm sure!
Something odd going on this morning with The Times site, (or maybe my computer!).
I can only access Times2, and not the main part of the newspaper.
I managed to get the puzzle though, through the Crossword Club site, as my subscription for The Times allows me access to the Club, apparently, though I almost never use it.
I much prefer the actual newspaper, though, so will be heading off to ASDA soon.
25689 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th February 2019, 09:46
Good morning Rusty and Elle,$

Have just sent a mail to Norah - Suppose you have already done so
yourself? or someone else?
Anyway, better several times than none.
Thought we had got rid of them!
25690 of 30765  -   Report This Post