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14th February 2019, 15:20
Hello Elle,

Just come back from yet another walk, into town this time to the

Did all the tests you mentioned, including the bone marrow biopsy,
about 18 months ago when my GP gave me all these tests in an
attempt to get to the bottom of this anaemia.

I have much, to much iron in fact - Max should be 150 ng/ml and
I have 407 of them !!!

The laboratory put a note in bold letter about a macrocytosis (in other words enlarged and irregularly shaped blood cells as I am sure you
know if name is the same in English)
So they want a check up of both B12 abd Folates (your Folic Acid I
I am going to make an appointment to see my friendly haematologist
as soon as possible, but there is often a fairly lengthy delay.
and Star Trek Doc wanted me to have transfusion as early as this
week! which I can't do since we are already Thursday and again
I have to book an appointment at my favourite hospital- that will
probably be for next week. The haemoglobin is VERY low Elle,
even lower than it was when I had the first transfusions back in

Sorry everyone for Medical report!
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14th February 2019, 16:10
Hi, Rusty!
All frost soon disappeared today, and from a very chilly morning, we have an afternoon where the temperature is supposedly 13C.
Thoughts of an early Spring are in my head!
I have some daffodils out in bloom in my garden.
Yes, I, too, like to talk to people when I am out and about.
It is good to communicate, and share a friendly word and a smile.
I am sure that all are the better for that.
I did not go far afield this afternoon, as I am expecting a pet shop delivery.
Your son will be coming to see you today?

Hello, Pigale!
Macrocytic anaemia indicates either a B12 or Folate deficiency.
So yes, these levels should be ascertained.
But if the doctor already knew that you had macrocytic anaemia, then why ever were these tests for B12 and Folate not done long ago?
I should want some answers, Pigale......
You possibly could have been being treated all this time.......?
But these blood tests will obviously need to be done now, before the transfusions are given.
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14th February 2019, 16:17
Elle, just a quickie,

I already have had several treatments re B12 and Folate etc...
Everytime things showed an improvement and when the treatment
was complete, it was not renewed.
This happened two or three times, so obviously I do not fix these
Am going to see my new (flesh and blood) GP next Wednesday
anyway, so will see with him.
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14th February 2019, 16:23
Sorry to hear about your problems, pigale. Something must be going on, but it seems as if all the right tests have been done! I hope that at least the transfusions fix the problem for now and that the cause of the problem is found soon.
Lovely clear evening. Have any of you counted the stars in orion, not including the 4 corner stars? I can only see 5, which means severe light pollution. I wish people would turn off their pesky all night lights.
I just came in from gardening and am off soon to witness some street dancing!
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14th February 2019, 16:39

It is still brilliant sunshine here, though the moon has been visible all afternoon too. I have been out "plane-spotting". The new "Airbus Beluga" has been circling pre-landing at Broughton factory.
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14th February 2019, 16:40
Hello Ros,

Thanks for your good wishes.

Lucky you with the street dancing - they are great I think.

I am not a star person BUT on my walks this morning and afternoon,
I noticed that some of the Spring shrubs were very nearly ready
to blossom - I reckon that after this spell of good weather which,
for us, is supposed to last at least until end of next week, I reckon
that they will indeed be in full bloom. I am talking about Forsytia, Prunus - the decorative type, and of course crocus, etc.....
A good sign no?
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14th February 2019, 16:41
Hello Ros,

Thanks for your good wishes.

Lucky you with the street dancing - they are great I think.

I am not a star person BUT on my walks this morning and afternoon,
I noticed that some of the Spring shrubs were very nearly ready
to blossom - I reckon that after this spell of good weather which,
for us, is supposed to last at least until end of next week, I reckon
that they will indeed be in full bloom. I am talking about Forsytia, Prunus - the decorative type, and of course crocus, etc.....
A good sign no?
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14th February 2019, 16:43
Oops! Not sure what happened there!
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14th February 2019, 19:23
Hi pigale

Yes, I love the hope that spring colour brings. Have a load of crocuses and they look so magical today.
The Campaign to Protect Rural England wants people to count the stars they can see in Orion and report. It is very near the moon which is super bright tonight, so it's hard to see any except the most prominent.
jigjag Plane spotting always reminds me of those idiots on Crete! Oops.
My grandson really loves street dancing- he does it with such joy, and is as cool as a cucumber beforehand. I am commissioned to make two cakes, one a unicorn and the other a Nerf (???) whatever that might be.
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14th February 2019, 20:12
Hi, Rusty!
I hope you have had a good evening spent with your son?
I did answer your earlier post, but my reply has become buried under a sudden deluge of posts!
Now, an update....
I have found a couple of other references about the Adventure Learning programmes at Crystal Palace Park, that I thought you might like to see.....
The guy to whom I spoke also takes samples of the water from the lake, which he then has students studying under the microscope ......
He seems a very enterprising chap.
I think this is all a fantastic idea!
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