Rusty, thanks for your interesting post at 22.47. When I mentioned the Times using Chambers, I was thinking of the crossword setters.
Yes, the stushie over the Everyman puzzles has been going on for weeks. It's not the Observer's fault that the usual setter decided to down tools (pen and paper, I expect), but perhaps they shouldn't have been so reliant on only one setter? The Times has a small team of setters for the daily, weekend and Mephisto puzzles. They all have their own style, of course, and varying degrees of difficulty, and I expect the same goes for the pool of Guardian setters.
As for dictionaries... I believe most setters prefer Chambers as it validates more obscure words, has a fuller range of archaisms and features Scottish and other regional variations.
Elle, I hope your Everyman puzzles return in their former glory! The deft touch and elegance seem to have been missing since the usual setter left.