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14th February 2019, 10:02
Good morning, Pigale!
I followed you in reporting the spam to Norah.
Hope you are fine today!
25691 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th February 2019, 10:17
Good morning, Rusty!
A glorious day here !
Albeit very frosty this morning...... and only 0C when I went out two hours ago.
I am only just was so lovely in the sunshine that I walked nearly twice as far!
I hope you have sorted out either your computer or the Times website?
I should expect that it is the latter that is at fault?
My friend will not be coming.......unfortunately, her daughter has to undergo yet another (this time , sudden) operation, so she is over with the grandchildren.
She will phone me later with an update.
I hope I am in time to catch you before Miss O arrives to collect you?
Have a good time together!

Hello, Pigale!
I have only just come online.....
You and Rusty seem to have all under control!
25692 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th February 2019, 10:28
Hello, Elle!
It's a tad cloudy today, but mild, about 9C.
I just looked in on The Times site and they have done an update at 9.00 a.m.
Now, that is unusual, their normal daily updates are at noon, and 5.00 p.m.
But, their site is back to normal, now.
A pity your friend can't make it, but completely understandable.
I hope her daughter is fine.
Maybe your husband can treat you again?
Miss O will be here at 11, allegedly!
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14th February 2019, 12:42
Hi, Rusty!
I hope you and Miss O had a good time?
Where did you go?
Now, I have had a project to investigate this morning!
I went up to Crystal Palace Park for my walk, and whilst there I met an interesting guy......
He was setting up a strange array of objects on the top terrace.....
So naturally I went up to enquire what he was doing.......!
He belongs to an association that is responsible for "Adventure Learning".
I have since looked this up on the computer for more explicit details, and can now offer the following information......
I quote (copied and pasted) :

" The Adventure Learning Crystal Palace Park was launched to offer schools curriculum-linked outdoor experiences that help bring classroom studies to life.
The programme covers all areas of the primary curriculum.
Pupils come to the park to join expeditions to discover and classify mini beasts (Science), weave and daub an Anglo-Saxon farm (History), use maps made of sticks and leaves to rescue Fluffy from Dinosaur Valley (Geography), plot a new train line to optimal gradient (Maths) or re-enact texts being studied at school (English)."

Today, the lesson was History......
The man in question was setting up for the children to build their own individual "Crystal Palace" on the same site to which the Palace was relocated after its transference from Hyde Park.
They were going to learn the history of the Palace, and eat their lunch overlooking the view from there.
I thought it sounded a great idea?
And they have a wonderful day for it!
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14th February 2019, 12:53
Hello Elle and Rusty,

Beautiful weather again!
Just home from my 'Star Trek' clinic and the walk there and back
was rather pleasant.

What is less pleasant is that due to my bad blood test results -
showing once more an extremely low percentage of Hemoglobin, the 'remote control' Dr wants me to go to Hospital for 24 hours in order to have two more blood transfusions - and this rather soon!

I already had two transfusion end October, but the rate which had
reached a normal figure then, steadily went down ever since.

I also have to see my Hematologist yet again - already saw him
18 months ago and he never found anything wrong regarding
this persistent aenemia.

I thought I was rid of all hospital appointments for a while, but
apparently it is not to be! I am not exactly a happy bunny!
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14th February 2019, 13:13
Hello, Elle!
We had a great time at Pine Cone!
Miss O had texted to me to say it would be 11.30 she would arrive.
Granddaughters should come with a "health warning"!
One of the Pine Cone girls was saying she is off to London in September to study music.
So she is heading out in the big wide world.
Wonder if she is an up and coming Nicola Benedetti!
You sound a bit like me when you are out, Elle.
Speaking to folk you don't know.
It sounds a great way to learn at the park.
Let's hope the weather holds for them!
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14th February 2019, 13:18
Good afternoon, Pigale!
Not so good news about your blood results, but at least you are going to receive prompt treatment.
Looks like there will have to be more investigations to get to the bottom of it.
I can understand you not being too happy about it, but it is for your very own good as I am sure you realise.
So, chin up and best foot forward, Pigale!
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14th February 2019, 14:11
Hello, Pigale!
I am sorry to hear that your haemoglobin level has dropped again after your previous transfusions.
Did the space -age doc tell you what type of anaemia your blood tests are showing?
Iron deficiency, Folic acid , B12?
it is difficult to know what to say to help from long distance …….
it would be sensible for you to see the Haematologist before being given a further transfusion.
(No use putting the cart before the horse)
You also need a baseline from which to measure and assess all future results, after any potential treatments .
I would have thought microscopic examination of a peripheral blood film would have shown the type of anaemia?
Surely this was done?
Has anyone suggested doing a bone marrow biopsy?
If you have a persistent iron deficiency anaemia, maybe you might have a small GI bleed?
Could you have a stomach ulcer for instance?
Have you had an endoscopy and/or enteroscopy done?
These are all minor procedures that might help sort out the problem.
Is there any medically qualified friend that you can take with you to the next appointment?
That might be a help?
I do hope it all gets resolved soon.
25698 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th February 2019, 14:26
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad that you had a good time with Miss O!
Our lovely weather continues...and the temperature has risen somewhat , so it is really a very pleasant afternoon.
The Crystal Palace building experience will be finished by now... I wonder how it went?
In the dog walking world, Rusty, everyone speaks to everyone else .......
One stray man doing something unusual obviously needed to be investigated!
Besides, how was I to find out what he was doing, if I didn't ask?
I think he was quite pleased to explain!
It must be nice when someone shows an interest?
I must martial the troops......time for a walk!
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14th February 2019, 15:14
Hello, Elle!
Weather still a bit dull here.
I was up at PDSA with a box of books, and I did not need any spoons today!
I am not of the dog walking world but I do engage with others in a friendly manner when out and about.
Definitely not a "keep myself to myself" person.
But everyone has different natures.

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