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11th February 2019, 18:10
Rusty, I've just remembered to look up Taghairm. What a wonderful word, with a great definition! I don't think I'll be able to drop it, casually, into conversation.
25651 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th February 2019, 18:11
Update, Elle!
I have seen "autodidact" before but did not know what it meant.
Just looked up Chambers and it tells me it is a "self taught person".
25652 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th February 2019, 18:13
Hello, Malone!
Taghairm is a great word and a wonderful definition!
It made my day, the day I first came across it!
25653 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th February 2019, 20:12
Good evening, Rusty!
Thank you....
"Autodidact" is a new word for me!
Re the steps/ mileage exercise gadget......
I used to have a much simpler device that simply clipped on to my jeans when I went walking/ hiking with my previous dog.....he and I used to cover about twelve to fifteen miles daily.
Now, of course, I walk possibly more slowly, definitely less far!
But the FitBit is a good incentive to "put my best foot forward"!
I found that skiing was on my Red Button today!
Have you been watching?
How is the golf going?
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11th February 2019, 21:31
Hello, Elle!
You certainly do plenty of walking!
I've always been a fast walker, but I go a bit slower nowadays.
I hope you and FitBit get on fine!
I think the skiing has been on Red Button since last week.
This is the second week of the World Champs.
It is being held in Are, Sweden.
I watch it on EuroSport.
I believe Mickelson won the golf, but I did not see it.
I think there were only two out on the course yesterday when it became dark.
Phil wanted to play on, but Paul Casey said he could not see and it was postponed until today.
They only had 2 or 3 holes left to play.
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11th February 2019, 22:13
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I've always walked!
Mostly just for pleasure, but sometimes for therapy!
If I have a problem or am fired up about something...I will walk (and think) it out.
It works well.
I have just been watching "Cold Feet"...only one more episode in the series.
I hope there will be another series in the future......but this almost seems to be tying up loose ends....?
Speaking of sport...I see there is the Athletics Indoor Grand Prix at Birmingham next Saturday.
It looks as though BBC is going to cover it.
That will be good!
I am happy that we are approaching the tennis and athletics seasons!
25656 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th February 2019, 10:41
Good morning, Elle.
A bit dreich here today.
Walking is well known to be therapeutic.
And it is relatively cost free, too.
Good pair of shoes, and a kagoul, perhaps, and off you pop!
I don't know "Cold Feet", I'm afraid.
Wonder if young Dr Muir is running at Brum?
I am just home.
Been out doing a couple of tasks.
25657 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th February 2019, 11:26
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a lovely day sky and sunshine.....coldish.......but very invigorating!
Great walking weather!
According to the IAAF News site.... yes, Laura should be competing at Birmingham on Saturday.
This is a timetable of the events.....
I have been busy doing a few household tasks.....
But I think I deserve a coffee now, and a look at the crosswords.
Time seems to be on wings this morning!
25658 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th February 2019, 14:45
Good afternoon, Elle!
Your weather has the edge on mine today!
Great walking weather, right enough!
I had a bit of a dander around the building sites again today.
I was admiring the highly skilled operators on the diggers etc.
Good puzzle today!
1a, and 18d are new words to me.
Now, yesterday I was in my Bradford's when something caught my eye.
Under "refusal", Anne B has ""eighty-six", which baffled me.
(It happens often!)
So, I went a-hunting to see how this arose.
Very interesting!
25659 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th February 2019, 16:46
Hi, Rusty!
At least you got out to have a walk.
It was great out here, this afternoon!
But the weather is now deteriorating fast, and consequently going dark early.
I wonder will it rain?
Yes, a good puzzle...twice on the trot...that was good for me!
"Bunt" was new for me, too...but easy to get from the parsing, wasn't it?
I also did not know that "scratch" means "devil", in 12a.
There are two clues that I cannot yet do...but I shall give them some more consideration, before I ask for help.
Now.....I have found out about "eighty-six"!
But in researching it, I came across a lot of other words/ expressions that are designated by numbers!
A very peculiar occurrence, don't you think?
25660 of 30765  -   Report This Post