Hi, Rusty!
Yes, changed times indeed since my own primary school days.
I do not recall our ever leaving the school premises for an activity of any nature!
I don't know if this present venture can be considered expensive?
"Adventures" cost £120 for a class of up to 32 pupils, and each session goes on for approximately two hours.
I wonder who meets the cost?
The school, the local Council, the parents ?
Does it count as a school "trip"? An extra -curriculum activity? An essential lesson?
If the children are charged individually, it would cost very little.
I could maybe ask the guy, if I see him about the park again.......
Maybe collecting his water samples!
No word from Paper Cavalier itself.......I think our communication with them is over, now that Amazon has assumed responsibility.
And Amazon tells us that the money is being paid back onto my husband's Barclaycard.
The statement should arrive within the next day or so...so we shall then be able to check that out.
And hopefully, that will be an end to the matter!