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26th December 2018, 19:24
We built an Empire eating Brussels Sprouts - had some today as well - delicious!
24761 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th December 2018, 21:27
Hello, Elle!
I think the "?" is the giveaway!
I was reading a book too.
There are several programmes on TV up here on New Years Day about the sinking of HMY Iolaire, one hundred years ago.
I have the book about it, "When I Heard the Bell".
Prince Charles and our First Minister are taking part in the ceremony at Stornoway.
I will watch with interest.
Still very mild here!
24762 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th December 2018, 21:27
Hi, Rusty!
Update on " The Mousetrap"...…...
I mentioned earlier finding the programme for the play........
We have since been reminiscing......and realised that we saw the play twenty-one years ago back in 1997!
We went to the theatre to see it for our twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversary!
I remember there being an appeal to the audience that no one should reveal "who- dun- it"!
I think it must be a very well kept secret.......
Have you yourself ever seen the play?
24763 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th December 2018, 21:38
Hi, Rusty!
Oops! That was 'spooky'!
Our posts crossed at exactly the same time!!
Yes, I remember your telling me about the book.
The sinking of the "Iolaire", so close to shore, resulting in the deaths of so many men , was indeed such a terrible tragedy.
Yes, mild here, too, and dry at last !
24764 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th December 2018, 21:40
Hello, Elle!
Posts crossed!
No, I have never seen the play.
And I do not know what is it about.
I have heard of it, though.
I was following the trading on Wall Street earlier.
Exciting stuff.
The Dow Jones closed over 1,000 points up.
Welcome news after the recent falls.
And I was trying out my new boombox.
Works very well and I am pleased with it.
24765 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th December 2018, 21:53
Hi, Rusty!
Well, we did it again!
Here is a link about "The Mousetrap"
I wonder have your son and daughter-in-law seen the play on one of their regular trips to London?
I am glad that your new CD player is such a success!
I haven't yet looked up secondhand CDs....
Are they always in good nick?
"Used" books are one thing...but I would be worried about possible scratches on CDs (or DVDs)?
24766 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th December 2018, 22:48
Hello, Elle!
I do not think my son and daughter-in-law would be interested in the play.
They prefer music and maybe a show when they go.
The CD's I have bought have been fine.
I'd suggest buying from a reputable company and you should be OK.
If you know which CD you want, type it into eBay and you can check out loads of them.
The last ones I bought was several months ago and they were perfect.
One was a Pete Seeger CD, the other was a James Last CD.
I've bought around twenty over the last few years and they were all fine.
24767 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th December 2018, 09:56
Good morning, Rusty!
Foggy and much colder, here!
Only 2C at 8am, when I went out walking with the dog.
I have a few household tasks to do today...... as family are expected to arrive tomorrow, staying for few days until after New Year.
(Hopefully they will be over their flu bug, which stuck them down over Christmas)
The beds are already made, so I reckon a quick dust and hoover should do the trick!
Our son and granddaughter are visiting us this afternoon.
We are looking forward to that!
What are you up to, today?
24768 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th December 2018, 10:42
Good morning, Elle!
A fine day here, and mild.
I think some of the young ones are dropping by today.
Hope so!
In the meantime I am trying out my CD's on the new boombox.
The boombox is performing very well, much better than the one it replaced.
I have on "Music at Matt Molloy's".
Matt has a pub in Westport, Mayo.
He is a well known flautist (if there is such a word!)
I was at ASDA earlier for my paper and Polos.
24769 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th December 2018, 11:43
Hi, Rusty!
A watery sun has appeared, but is doing nothing to raise the temperature!
It is decidedly chilly!
I am fiddling with Google maps trying to work out a route for a friend to take her dog to the Hydrotherapy Centre.
I know several good short cuts that will save her lot of time ( the dog is not a good traveller) but when I tried to explain the routes to her, she could not follow my explanations!
I suggested she phone later and speak to my husband - perhaps as a driver he can be more explicit?
You sound to be enjoying your boombox ........ yes, 'flautist' is a word!
My elder daughter plays the flute, and the younger one the clarinet....and both can play the piano.
We have budding violinists (?) in the two eldest grandsons!
I did not graduate beyond the recorder!
24770 of 30765  -   Report This Post