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24th December 2018, 20:21
Hello, Elle!
I am having chocolate and crisps now!
Yes, my puzzle is finished.
I'll try and remember it!
7d, I remember from Mass. Dominus vobiscum.
The parse is a bit like, perform/do, less/minus, very/v, old/o, British/B, and anagram of "music/iscum".
13, I looked up EVA, and I think it gave "extra vehicular activity", for "spacewalk".
"SWALK/sent with a loving kiss", is there, so would "with due respect be "pace", Latin, maybe?
I have "electric", too.
I have no parse other than "electric" is "current".
What think you?
I'll be grateful for a coffee, too, ta.
24731 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th December 2018, 20:57
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you very much for your help.......
Re 7d: I couldn't get the Latin term from parsing the clue....and hadn't come across it before.
Well done on that!
"Dominus vobiscum" means "The Lord go with you", so I suppose the definition must be "salutation"?
13d: Never heard of EVA...other than Little Eva (Come on, baby, do the locomotion!)
And I don't know "SWALK" either!
To me, "pace " is a form of "pax" which is the Latin for "peace", but it may well have other connotations?
But regarding 18a: I thought that "electric" = "exciting " as the definition ? (not "current")
I can offer you a Cappuchino, Latte or Americano (black) from my coffee machine....and a couple of ginger biscuits?
24732 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th December 2018, 21:18
Hello, Elle!
EVA was new to me, but not new to Chambers.
SWALK is what young folk wrote on the back of an envelope containing a Valentine card. (Have a look in Chambers?)
I am surprised you do not know of it.
I agree with you regarding 18a definition.
But my effort at the parse is electric runs in current.
I can not see anything else in the clue?
I like Nescafe!
At the Pine Cone they serve Brodie's of Edinburgh coffee.
A link with Miss Jean, do you think?
24733 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th December 2018, 22:07
Hi, Rusty!
I liked "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" - both book and film.......although again the film was not accurate.
It does so annoy me, when the book storyline is altered!
Well, I have had my drink.....and my ginger biscuits.....and I am away shortly to my bed!
Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day!
I am going out with the dog early morning and then we are out again about 11am to drive over to our daughter's.
Talk in the morning if you are around?
What time are Misses O and L-B coming to see you?
24734 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th December 2018, 22:28
Hello, Elle!
I liked Maggie Smith in the film.
A fine actress!
The girls will likely call in the afternoon sometime (they are at the pictures tonight).
Then they go to Gran and Granddad's for Christmas tea.
I am looking forward to seeing them.
I am going to start sleeping soon too.
I want to be asleep when Santa calls.
I hope he leaves me a packet of Polos.
I like them!
24735 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th December 2018, 10:06
Good morning, Rusty!
A Very Happy Christmas to you and your family!
We are just back from the park.
It is a cold and frosty morning...but the sun is making a big effort!
Our son phoned about 9 am, as we were walking round the lake.
He stayed over at his hotel last night...and will do so again of course there is no public transport home.
He and our granddaughter are coming to see us on Thursday.
So we are looking forward to that!
Right, I must away to get changed...we are leaving here about 11 o'clock...... and will return early evening, as we cannot leave the dog alone any longer than that.
I hope you have a good day and an especially enjoyable time this afternoon with your granddaughters!
24736 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th December 2018, 10:55
Good morning, and Merry Christmas, Elle!
Lovely day here, too, and less frosty than of late.
I hope you and your husband have a nice time at your daughter's.
24737 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th December 2018, 11:26


24738 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th December 2018, 11:47
Merry Christmas, Pigale!
Hope you are having a good time!
24739 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th December 2018, 18:07

Thank you and a Merry Christmas to you too. Hope you are having a lovely day.
24740 of 30765  -   Report This Post