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27th December 2018, 22:01
Hello, Elle!
Yes, you like The Voice!
I have had but a brief look at CDs on Amazon.
Not exactly sure what I want, but I do not want singing.
Music only.
I had a look at "Wind of the North" by Santec Music Orchestra, so that's a definite possibility.
And I'll get one by Nicola Benedetti.
I am more into "easy listening" these days, and there are hundreds of those to choose from.
I may try one of nature sounds combined with music, if I can find such a thing!
And hopefully they may be on YouTube so I can hear a bit of them before buying.
I'll let you know what I purchase.
24781 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th December 2018, 09:48
Good morning, Rusty!
We have a dank and foggy morning here!
I hope your weather is better?
Yes, take your time deciding on which CDs to buy.......
I think half the fun is in the choosing!
I shall be interested to hear what you get.
You are going to the Pine Cone today, aren't you?
With how many granddaughters?
I hope you all have fun!
24782 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th December 2018, 10:23
Good morning, Elle!
Great weather here.
Not a cloud to be seen and it is mild, too.
I will pick my CDs later today.
Misses O and L-B are taking me to Pine Cone.
Hope it's open!
24783 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th December 2018, 12:08
Hi, Rusty!
Still grey and foggy here.
I hope you found the Pine Cone open?
And that it wasn't too busy?
We shall need to brave the supermarket at some stage to stock up on food for Tuesday's family party.
Shopping will be limited over the weekend, due to early closing on both Sunday and Monday ( the latter because it is New Year's Eve)
Fourteen/ fifteen is a lot of people to feed!
24784 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th December 2018, 15:44
Good afternoon, Elle!
Great day here, and not cold at all.
Pine Cone was open and busy!
You have plenty time until Tuesday to buy food, surely?
Well, I have ordered two CDs to be going on with.
"The First Decade" by Nicola Benedetti, and "Eighty Not Out" (a triple CD) by James Last.
9A is a new word for me, other than that it was a not too demanding puzzle, today...
24785 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th December 2018, 18:35
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, it is good that you made it to the Pine Cone, and had a good time!
I have had an "up- and-down" and "in-and- out" sort of day!
I have achieved some of the things on my list, and the rest will have to wait until tomorrow....
I am in now, though, for the remainder of the day.
Your two CDs sound to be good choices - I should think you will enjoy those!
How soon are they likely to come?
I did not finish my crossword today...I started it this morning, but then got involved in other things.....
9a is one that I couldn't do?
24786 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th December 2018, 18:51
Hello, Elle!
I have had a fairly busy day, but am home now.
Losing track of which day we are at, though!
Does not feel like a Friday evening!
Yes, I'll like my CDs when they come.
I made sure that "Orange Blossom Special" is on one of James Last's tracks.
It is a favourite of mine, and the orchestra's!
9a, is a plant I do not know.
"Guelder rose". Anagram of "grouse" and "elder"/bush.
Do you know it?
24787 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th December 2018, 19:37
Hi, Rusty!
I know that feeling of wondering which day it is!
I have found it strange all the week....
I thought that Thursday was Monday.....
And now suddenly, Saturday is nearly upon us.....
Very confusing!
No, I do not know "Guelder rose" - although retrospectively I can see the reference to the "elder" (George) Bush!
( Leastways, I am presuming that is what the clue means? )
Of those clues that I have done, I liked 12a : "inferior"; and "17a: "dehumidifying"
I am missing my daily dose of "Eggheads"!
24788 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th December 2018, 19:52
Hello, Elle!
I agree, difficult to keep track of where we are at!
I do not see the "elder" (George) Bush.
Where do you get that from?
Though I would have said "elder" was a tree, rather than a bush, but...I suppose elderberries grow on a bush, do they?
I thought 4, "York" was a good one.
Linking "see" to "cricket".
24789 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th December 2018, 20:09
Hi, Rusty!
I thought "Bush the elder"?
As in the ex US president?
I didn't understand 4d: "York"?
I have it as an answer, and know it is a "See", but don't get the cricket reference?
24790 of 30765  -   Report This Post