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18th November 2018, 21:30
Hi pigale
The badgers haven't been back, but I am not counting my chickens! The real test will be next year's ripening fruit. They also make gouges in the lawn but haven't for a while. I am hoping for fewer animal visits of all kinds. I watched a beautiful fox eating the food put out for the badgers next door just this evening.

I went to the wood today and put masses of ash brash round my growing collection of evergreens. I believe that might prevent deer eating them. Can't stop humans nicking them if that's what they have in mind.

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18th November 2018, 21:42
Have you often been lucky enough to watch deer in your wood?
They might eat your young plantations, but are rather beautiful
to watch.
We have a lot of deer and wild boar around here, and some small
roads are rather dangerous at twilight or early evening when they
tend to cross the road to go from one wood to another.
Just a baby boar (do you have a name for a young boar?) can do
a lot of damage to a car and create an accident, and they usually
move as a family group
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18th November 2018, 21:58
I've never seen a full-grown deer in the wood, though from footprints I can tell they have sometimes passed through the glade when I was there but not looking! One April I did see a nearly new-born fawn, it was beautiful. I own the shooting rights, but do not use them. Others adjacent do and the deer are decreasing. Maybe I will get some saplings one day. There are almost no wild flowers as the deer eat everything except brambles.
I saw a family of wild boar on Corsica once. I believe the young are just called piglets. They were so sweet! But I know they churn up the roads.
On the way to the wood today I saw a car shooting flames from everywhere- never seen anything like it. The people were safely out and I saw the fire engine coming. Passed very gingerly on fast lane of motorway!
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18th November 2018, 22:17
Hello, Elle!
Seems to be cold all over, now, if your cousin has it too, in the North.
Money is by far and away the best way to give at Christmas, Elle.
Then nobody is disappointed, no matter their age.
I came to that conclusion a long time ago.
I do not know how the tennis went, but Lexi Thompson won the women's golf.
I like Lexi, and it's good to see her back winning again.
Are you and Brave still getting on fine?
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18th November 2018, 22:39
The area where I live is full of game - hunting is allowed (at a cost)
in some private estates and to by an 'hunting action' as it is called
costs an arm and a leg. I do not like hunting but I know
that the wild boar population needs to be culled - there are
special days and permits for this.
The boars are in such great number that farmers do suffer - or rather
their crop does; it is a cereal growing area (though there are some
livestock farms too, but they are not the majority).

The boars create havoc with the crop, fences, roads etc... so they
must be kept under control ..... unfortunately. And because there
are also unfenced woods on either side of roads (even some major
ones), the animals are responsible for a fair few road accidents, some very serious ones.
Deer families are in number, so are pheasants and partridges, but
the latter do not create a problem.

But it is a great hunting area and land owners make a fortune during
the season!
24045 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th November 2018, 22:50
Hi, Rusty!
Tomorrow is set to be even colder, according to the BBC local forecast.
Just so long as it does not snow!
Folk in the park still talk about the noise my head made, when I cracked it on a concrete edging, hidden under snow, when I slipped on an icy patch and fell, about two years ago now!
See, I am famous!
Novak lost out to the young German, Alexander Zverev, losing in two straight sets.
It will be interesting to see how Zverev does when Wimbledon comes around.
Yes, "Brave" is is great not to have to cope with the ads on my tablet any more.
Thank you for suggesting it.
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18th November 2018, 22:56
Could that famous crack in your head be responsible for some
of your 'senior moments' Elle? :))

I am going to bed, promise!!!
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18th November 2018, 23:03
Hi Pigale!
It would be nice if I could just blame my "senior moments" on a bang on the head, wouldn't it?!
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18th November 2018, 23:15
Hello, Elle!
It is 7C outside here but feels colder!
Hopefully no snow on the horizon.
Yes, it will be very interesting to see how Zverev develops.
Paddy Power has him ahead of Andy Murray in the betting for Wimbledon.
That's good you are pleased with "Brave" browser.
I have had it installed for quite some time now and never had a problem with it.
There are many browsers with built in adblockers nowadays.
I have "Opera Mini" browser with built in adblock, on my tablet as well, just as a back up browser, if I ever need it.
It is very fast and reliable, too.
And I had "Dolphin" browser for a while, too, all ad free!
24049 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th November 2018, 10:08
Good morning, Rusty!
It is very wet here! And cold!
I am just back from my printing out my crosswords, and drinking my coffee.
A quiet day today...nothing planned.
I may use the time to catch up on some of my correspondence .... I have a number of letters to answer.
I also want to browse Amazon for some gifts and books......
How about you? What are you up to today?
24050 of 30765  -   Report This Post