Good evening, Rusty!
We are finally home again for the night!
We have been out to collect the dog from the groomers......
We collected her at 4 o'clock, but the traffic was so bad that we have only just arrived home.
We passed a number of children and youths on our way...suitably clad as ghosts and ghoulies.....obviously heading out to "trick or treat" .
Personally, I think this is a barbaric custom...I think inherited from America? - whereby young people are seemingly taught to go 'begging with menaces'!
I would never let my children do this, nor do my grandchildren take part either.
I think effectively threatening/ bullying folk into giving sweets or money is disgraceful!
Do you get "trick or treating" up your way?
I wonder why the children cannot just go round and show off their costumes , rather than this ghastly "trick or treating" scenario?
Surely it is encouraging all the wrong instincts?
Sorry for the rant,,,,I will get down from my soap box!
Yes, Chris is a great friend as well as being our mechanic.
He owns his own garage, and we are indeed fortunate as he is very reliable and helpful.
Now. the crossword.....
I have quite a few clues that I couldn't do today.....mostly in the bottom left hand corner.
I don't think the setter and I were on the same wavelength!
Or I was being particularly dim!