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5th September 2018, 12:29
Hello, Rusty - I could do with you tackling Malone Times Wednesday 4....
PS. Glad your new dictionary is such a success.
22731 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th September 2018, 13:59
Hi, Rusty!
I have just been reading about the Cottingley Fairies in Wikipedia...and also watching a video on YouTube.
I am rather surprised that I knew nothing of the controversy surrounding the fairy allegations.......especially seeing as it has spanned a remarkable number of years.
But I had heard nary a word!
And apparently the two cousins admitted eventually to the "hoax" of earlier fairy photos.
Yet said that this did not include the seemingly true existence of a fairy pictured on the fifth and final photograph?
So was there really a fairy...after all?
Speaking of Anastasia......
I remember years back seeing a film called "Anastasia"......starring Ingrid Bergman!
22732 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th September 2018, 14:54
Hello, Malone!
I have had a look at your clue, but....can not see it,...yet!
The dictionary is great.
One of my better purchases!
22733 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th September 2018, 15:27
Hello, Elle!
I am surprised you had not come across the Cottingley fairies, too!
There is a large article in my dictionary about it.
The girls say the final photo was not faked and they did see the fairies.
I'm a non-believer.
Just too much of a co-incidence that they were lucky enough to take a final "genuine" photo of the fairies, when they had faked the first few photos.
When the Romanovs bodies were discovered, two bodies were missing,
one was the body of the Grand Duchess Anastasia.
The most persistent "Anastasia" claimant was Anna Anderson, who insisted up until her death that she was Anastasia.
Many of the Romanov extended family believed her, but many did not.
I just finished reading about the "Flannan Isles Mystery", and am on to "Project Blue Book", now!
22734 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th September 2018, 17:23
Hi, Rusty!
Still somewhat dark and dull here - we have not seen a sight of the sun all day!
Although it was fairly warm, when I went out with the dog a short while ago.
In fact, it feels warmer outside than it does indoors!
I made sure to be home again for my daughter's phoning when she comes out of her office as she usually rings me on the way home!
But if I do happen to be out, it does not matter, as then she rings later in the evening.
Her husband stayed home today, as YB had hurt his leg..... ....
But he seems to be walking better on it now, so perhaps he just pulled a muscle or something similar.
Hopefully, he will be back to normal tomorrow, and able to go to nursery.
Your book sounds enthralling........
Now I have heard about the three lighthouse keepers who disappeared!
But I do not know of "Project Blue Book"?
What is that?
22735 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th September 2018, 19:40
Hello, Elle!
Been a great day here.
I think that is great of your daughter keeping in touch with you every day.
Wee boys are resilient. YB will be fine!
Elle, honestly, this is a great dictionary!
Project Blue Book is the third in a series of projects set up by the US Airforce to investigate UFOs.
Set up in 1951, I think, and ran until 1967, when the University of Colorado took over the investigations, and when they closed down the project, an unknown government department took over.
Very hush hush!
Just finished my puzzle!
22736 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th September 2018, 20:48
Hi, Rusty!
I have spoken to both daughters today!
Our two eldest grandsons only go back to school tomorrow.......they have had two extra days holiday than have BB and our granddaughter.
Soon, elder daughter and her husband will need to start looking at secondary schools for next year, for their elder son.
Where do the years go?!
Yes, I think your new Chambers "Dictionary" is a big success!
I too have ordered a new book today.....
Talking about Winnie the Pooh made me think of one of the "Pooh" books called "Now We Are Six".
And this caused me to look up a book that I had heard about and had always meant to investigate........
"Now We Are Sixty", by Christopher Matthew.
On reaching the age of sixty himself, Christopher Matthew decided to adapt A.A. Milne's book "Now We Are Six" for an older audience....!
I thought it might be fun to read!
So I have ordered it from Amazon!
22737 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th September 2018, 22:16
Hello, Elle!
The nights are drawing in!
Just been reading about sea serpents, and the Turin Shroud, in my new book.
Your Tower of London is in it, too.
I have heard of "Now We Are Sixty", before.
A long time since I was sixty!
I finished one of my jigsaws earlier!
What an exciting life I lead!
22738 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th September 2018, 08:50
Rusty, I'm bumping things to beat the spam. My MT 4 clue yesterday was really aimed for you - the answer was The Morn's Morn. I thought you might be the only one who'd solve it!

PS Well done on completing the jigsaw. I'm totally hopeless at those. I drove my children mad when I tried to fit bits in - even seven-year-olds knew that brute force wasn't how you did it!
22739 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th September 2018, 09:56
Hello, Malone!
I was on the wrong track with your clue.
I was convinced it was an anagram!
But, I did try, honest!
The jigsaws are a relatively new thing for me.
I lose teaspoons reguarly and visit a local charity shop for replacements and one day a jigsaw caught my eye and I have bought several since!
22740 of 30765  -   Report This Post