Good morning, Rusty!
It is a dull day here at present, with a little drizzle in the air as I was out walking the dog.
Yes, the dinosaurs in Crystal Palace Park go back to the 1850s.
Since those early years, some discrepancies have been found in the make up of the time has gone by, the experts have learned more still about dinosaurs!
But it has always been an impressive sight.....and a delight and wonder to the many young children taken to see it.
You might like to read what it says on Wikipaedia, too - there is a very good informative article on the Dinosaur Park's history.
Rather sadly, I was shocked yesterday by the neglect of the area.
It is quite some time since I was last there, and the foliage is rampant......and the dinosaurs models in a bad state of disrepair.
The stream has dried up.
Supposedly, after the work on the Sphinxes, on the top terrace of the park ,was finished, similar repair work was to be carried out on the dinosaurs....
But only one reptile has been "treated".....and the rest seemingly left to decay..........
I wonder if the money ran out?
Your new book sounds interesting.... at least this one actually reached you!
I haven't heard of "Where the Red Fern Grows"?
What is it about?
Hello, Chris!
Yes, there were a number of discrepancies/ faults in the early dinosaur models.
But you have to remember that these were built many years ago in the 1850s, and more has been learnt since then.