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3rd July 2018, 20:50
Hello, Jazzgirl!
I see what you mean, but...
I think it is an unsatisfactory clue.
Very warm here too!
21701 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd July 2018, 20:50
I have been looking at what others think of the clue.
Two schools of thought, one for the "rood/door" answer where the wordplay is in the answer, rather than the other way round.
The other goes with my thought.
Could be either, but I am willing to see what the setter had in mind and apologise if I had it wrong.
Rusty is the expert on here as he has more experience than I do.
21702 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd July 2018, 20:54
I don't think any one needs to apologise for holding and expressing an opinion JG......whichever way the cookie crumbles!
It is interesting to hear differing viewpoints.
21703 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd July 2018, 21:02
Hello, Elle!
I had a wee look on YouTube but Mark Goodliffe does not appear to have posted anything today, and it is not always our cryptic he does, anyway.
Sometimes the Quick one, or even a sudoku.
I really dislike criticising a setter (I think they are very clever) but I am not fond of the clue.
I do see what Jazzgirl means, but just not quite convinced.
I think you have to solve the clue to find the parse.
Some may like it, but not for me....
Glad you liked The Rosses...that's home!
It is very busy just now with folk coming home from all over for a few weeks holidays.
Scotland, USA, Canada etc.
We are everywhere!
The Wild Atlantic Way is pretty special.
And there are many events on it, and different activities.
Walkers, cyclists, surfers, snorkellers, music, food, etc.
21704 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd July 2018, 21:07
Hello, Jazzgirl!
Goodness me, I am no expert at all!
I merely help Elle along a bit as she is still fairly new to the cryptic game.
What on earth would you be apologising for?
You put forward your thoughts on the clue and we have had a wee civilised debate is all!
So thank you, and keep it up!
21705 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd July 2018, 21:30
Hi, Rusty!
No, I had a look on YouTube as well, Rusty, and couldn't find anything relevant to today's puzzle.
What a pity Mark wasn't doing his explanatory "tour" of the crossword!
We could have done with his viewpoint!
Now, the Wild Atlantic Way.....
Yes , I have found some interesting -looking references giving more information....
I shall explore this at leisure!
Right now, I am going to make a first today......
I have been drinking pints of ice-cold water!
21706 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd July 2018, 22:07
Hello, Elle!
I will tell you now, you will be enthralled by the Wild Atlantic Way!
Just so much to see and experience.
I would start at Malin Head and go South.
You won't have time to look at the tennis!
I own one T-shirt (I am not a T-shirt lad) and it is a Wild Atlantic Way one!
People have stopped me to ask about it.
They had never heard of it.
21707 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd July 2018, 22:46
Update, Elle!
Try this?
Aoife Scott singing about it on The Late Late Show on RTE.
21708 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd July 2018, 23:09
Hi, Rusty!
I was just reading all about Donegal....
I am finding that especially interesting, as it where you and your family originated.
I like Aoife's singing about the Wild Atlantic Way!
And it is very toe-tapping!
It is hard to keep one's feet still when listening!
You are right...investigating all this will keep me busy for ages!
I shall have to explore a little each day.......
Aoife shall sing to me, whilst I do so!
21709 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd July 2018, 23:25
Hello, Elle!
Aoife is good and the musicians are excellent!
Aoife's Mother is a singer too, Frances Black, and Frances is also a Senator in Seanad Eireann.
Aoife's aunt is Mary Black who is a famous singer.
She has recorded with Emmylou, and Dolores Keane.
Miss O has invited me out for a bacon roll on Thursday.
School holidays!
21710 of 30765  -   Report This Post