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27th June 2018, 21:23
Hello, Elle!
There have been practices closed here too, though.
NHS Scotland is not all sweetness and light!
GPs retiring etc and patients having to join other practices.
But, in my own practice, there is a phlebotomist and the nurses do ECGs and other tests, quite routinely.
I certainly have no complaints about my own surgery.
I can usually get a same day appointment, too.
So, I feel very lucky.
It's a pity there was not a larger turn out at your meeting.
21531 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th June 2018, 22:34
Hi, Rusty!
Well there is a duplicate meeting on Friday - different time, different site - so possibly there may be a better attendance at that one.
All patients supposedly were sent a no one can say that he/she didn't know!
I need help with my Iast three clues please!
11a: Deal rigged in game for bookmaker's enrichment (4,4)
G?L? / L?A?
23a: Some output d from sewer on street, a cause of irritation (7,6)
R?N?I?G / ?T?T?H
And the parsing for 22a: Proceed east of coastal city to find calm water (6)
I have LAGOON, because it fits!
But why?
I have long given up on being able to finish this unaided!
21532 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th June 2018, 22:44
Hello, Elle!
Hopefully there will be a larger attendance on Friday!
Now, in 11a, it is not a bookie, but a bookmaker.
Golf is the game with anagram of "deal", giving "gold leaf".
23a, is "running stitch".
"on" is "running" "st" for street, and "itch" for irritation.
22, It is "go on" for proceed, or "east" in answer, after "LA" which is an abbreviation for Los Angeles.
21533 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th June 2018, 22:50
Elle, this thing about "east"!
If you look at any word, let's say "dinner".
The first letter "d" is West, and the last letter "r" is East.
Just like on a map.
Any help?
21534 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th June 2018, 23:02
Hi, Rusty!
Yes......thank you...I am following you .....
I would never have got 11a!
I ought to have seen the parsing for "lagoon" in 22a....
but I was way off beam with 23a because I had the wrong sort of "sewer" mind was firmly fixed on in water drainage and waste disposal!
All finally finished now and time for a hot drink.....and maybe a shortie biscuit......
Hopefully, tonight will be cooler than last.......
21535 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th June 2018, 23:06
Hello, Elle!
The setter was intending you to think of the waste kind of sewer!
A good clue!
It is very warm here still.

I have been on YouTube.
This lad was one of my very favourite singers.
He died last year.
Not sure if you would know him or not?
21536 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th June 2018, 23:29
Hi, Rusty!
Well, the setter's misdirection certainly worked with me!
I was easily led astray!
Yes, I do know of Don Williams....and I love that particular recording.
I shall go to bed with an earworm now!
21537 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th June 2018, 07:50
Good morning, Elle!
This is forecast to be the hottest day for us, up here!
I have not been for my paper yet, (may even treat me to a choc ice!).
I liked Don Williams, he had a lovely deep tone in his voice.
He did a recording with Emmylou, too, but I did not really like it.
So... the spammers are in action again today, I see.
Time for Malone's puzzles?
21538 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th June 2018, 09:58
Good morning, Rusty!
A pleasantly cool(ish) morning here ...although set to be 27C by mid-afternoon.
How high is your temperature said to reach today?
I had an enjoyable , though slightly disrupted , walk in the park.
I had to take a lost dog home to her owner!
Luckily, all ended happily!
I gather there was a lot of spam about earlier?
I really cannot see what the perpetrators hope to gain?
Surely no one responds to such rubbish.
( Malone is being kept busy!)
Nothing in particular to do a leisurely morning at least ....
How about you?
21539 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th June 2018, 10:46
Hello, Elle!
It is very warm here.
Supposed to be our hottest day, up here.
Yes, spammers were to the fore earlier.
I was out for a walk earlier.
Home now, awaiting a delivery.
Tesco Direct are closing on 9th July and have slashed prices on remaining goods, so I have ordered some stuff.
No plans for the rest of the day.
Hopefully my son will visit later.
And I have my puzzle to attempt!
21540 of 30765  -   Report This Post