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26th June 2018, 18:46
Good evening, Elle!
My mackerel was very tasty!
Does your daughter commute by train?
I am going to my dentist tomorrow.
These are rarely worn dress shoes so need a clean and polish.
Miss La Bamba's best pal is a dental nurse at my dentist and will send her a report of "Granddad's appearance and behaviour"!
It can be hard work being a granddad, but I try!
The best pal is a very nice girl and we get on fine!
I have my clothes laid out all ready!
You are well up to tackling the Wednesday puzzle, I'm sure!
Now, recently I have noticed folk on other forums putting the word "meh" at the end of their post when signing off.
Any idea why it is done or whatever it means?
Seems to be a recent trend.
I am baffled!
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26th June 2018, 19:06
Hi rusty
Yoofspeak for something like "I'm indifferent" or "It is of no importance to me", I think.
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26th June 2018, 19:09
Rusty, my old and dear friend, Chambers, defines 'meh' as expressing indifference or boredom. That's if it's an interjection. As an adjective, it means mediocre - and of a person, unmoved. I don't think you'll be using it much yourself!
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26th June 2018, 19:21
Thank you, Chris and Malone!
It is not in my Chambers.
No, I don't think I shall add it to my vocabulary!
It's a change from "lol", though!
Another two that are all over the other forums are "snowflake" and "virtue signalling".
I think I know what is implied by snowflake, but not the virtue signalling!
And Chambers is no help (my copy is quite old).
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26th June 2018, 19:29
Rusty, 'snowflake' and 'virtue signalling' aren't in my Chambers, and I think I have the most recent edition. I fully expect them to appear in the next one - more's the pity, I don't like either of them. Or as you wouldn't say, meh!
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26th June 2018, 19:49
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, my daughter commutes by train!
Hence the sometimes disruption of her telephone calls......going through Lewisham on her way home often results in a cut-off!
Well, you certainly sound as though you will be well dressed for your dental visit......but if your granddaughter's best friend is to be there, you will need to be "brave" as well - no quaking at the drill, for instance - or else that might get back to Miss L-B, too!
Yes, I can see it is hard being a granddad!
I cannot add much to what Malone and Chris have already told you about "meh"......
I did look up the word in my Chambers - it is given as" expressing indifference or boredom"...... so being unenthusiastic and apathetic?
It seems odd that folk would sign off their messages like that?
And I don't understand "snowflake" or "virtual signalling"?
(Although I haven't attempted to look them up)
It was ages before I realised that "lol" now means "laugh out loud"...
I still thought it meant "lots of love"!
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26th June 2018, 19:51
Hello, Malone!
I think they may be an attempt to insult or denigrate someone?
Though I have no idea what virtue signalling means, and I am not so sure that those who use it know either.
I agree with your expectation that they will be in the next Chambers, as they should, as new meanings, whether we like them or not.
21497 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th June 2018, 19:59
Rusty, postscript to my previous post........
Could "snowflake" be related to being a "flake"?
Meaning a crazy or eccentric person?
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26th June 2018, 20:01
Rusty, yes - I think both 'snowflake' and 'virtue signalling' are insults, but polite-looking, polite-sounding insults! I don't mind new words making their way into Chambers. I had a smile the other day when I realised that my mother and my son both mentioned 'wireless', but they meant totally different things!
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26th June 2018, 20:02
Elle, 'snowflake' is usually applied to people of a delicate, overly sensitive disposition. It's used a lot when referring to students, for example, saying that they're too delicate to cope with certain subjects, reality etc.
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