Hi, Rusty!
Yes, my daughter commutes by train!
Hence the sometimes disruption of her telephone calls......going through Lewisham on her way home often results in a cut-off!
Well, you certainly sound as though you will be well dressed for your dental visit......but if your granddaughter's best friend is to be there, you will need to be "brave" as well - no quaking at the drill, for instance - or else that might get back to Miss L-B, too!
Yes, I can see it is hard being a granddad!
I cannot add much to what Malone and Chris have already told you about "meh"......
I did look up the word in my Chambers - it is given as" expressing indifference or boredom"...... so being unenthusiastic and apathetic?
It seems odd that folk would sign off their messages like that?
And I don't understand "snowflake" or "virtual signalling"?
(Although I haven't attempted to look them up)
It was ages before I realised that "lol" now means "laugh out loud"...
I still thought it meant "lots of love"!