Hi, Rusty!
I am hard put to remain awake!
I think the combination of today's warmth together with last night's lack of sleep may well prove to be my undoing, should I sit down comfortably for any length of time!
A cold drink ...an apple and orange.....and a seat on the sofa, nearly saw me in the Land of Nod!
Since then, I have been doing the crossword , but sitting on the swivel chair at the computer, in order to stay alert!!
Yes, a good crossword!
I liked "adieu" and "quagga" .
I too didn't know "vibist", but it was easy enough to answer.
I looked for it in Chambers, though, but couldn't find it?
Although Collins tells me that it "someone who plays the vibraphone"?
Had I been asked...I would have gone with "vibraphonist"!
Re 15d...don't you eat nectarines? I love them! We have some in our fruit bowl at the moment!
I like them better than peaches, as I don't like the furry skin on the peaches!
Are you planning on going out, now that your parcel has arrived?
Or is it too hot?
Hello, Pigale!
How are you making out in the heat?
This is the time, I think, to be besides the sea.... a nice cooling, refreshing, sea breeze would be lovely!
I can envisage miles upon miles of sandy beach...and walking with the dog along - or even in - the edge of the waves........
Well, one can but dream!