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28th April 2018, 19:06
Hi, Rusty!
The link about Nina made interesting reading!
What a prodigious list of wins she has had.
I felt sure that she and Katie were in cahoots about their retirements.
I was very surprised to learn it was a coincidence!
You will have to find fresh "favourites"!
I am recording "Casualty", so will most probably read, and half- watch BGT, at the same time!
I pay attention to the "good" acts......and read during the bad ones!
I am puzzled by the change of clothes - and hairstyles - worn by the judges in different parts of the show?
Is each week's show "patched " together with acts from various recordings?
I can see no other explanation?
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28th April 2018, 19:37
Hello, Elle!
Yes, Nina is very special, and Katie!
And it was great that they both decided to finish at Punchestown!
It is good that they had the opportunities to race ride, and more girls are coming through now.
Rachael Blackmore in Ireland, Lizzie Kelly and Bryony Frost over here, for example.
Yes, I think there will be more than one BGT audition cobbled together for each show, until we reach the live shows.
I record it and watch in the morning.
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28th April 2018, 21:10
Hi, Rusty!
Oh dear! Would you believe that, despite having mentioned watching BGT, I completely forgot it when the time came around........
I have been engrossed in reading my book!
But I have remembered about its being shown an hour later on ITV + 1, so am just about to watch it now........!
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28th April 2018, 21:59
Hello, Elle!
I do things like that, too.!
BGT is repeated on several of the ITV channels, I think!

Here is the interview with Nina and Katie, today, at Punchestown.

A wee tear from Katie!
That's Ted Walsh Senior, who joins them, and the lad presenting the flowers is Jamie Codd, a top Irish jockey.
Great to see them!

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28th April 2018, 22:32
Hi, Rusty!
Ah well, I 'm glad I managed to watch BGT in the end!
I did miss a bit of the show, as I was late in switching to the Plus 1 channel.
There was a fair bit of buzzing off by all the judges, but there were some good acts in among the more humdrum and the ridiculous.
I will not tell you my favourites until you have watched it all yourself tomorrow!
I don't want to spoil anything for you!
I'll just say that there was a Golden Buzzer act that brought the house down.......and brought Simon up on the stage!
I liked the article about Katie and Nina!
It made it an extra special occasion for them, I think, because they both retired more or less together........ and both went out on a high!

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28th April 2018, 23:07
Hello, Elle!
I will watch before I go out to Pine Cone.
The link I posted had a video in it.
Is that what you watched, or just read the article?
The video is very good.
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28th April 2018, 23:29
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I did watch the video, as well as reading the article , Rusty......
I liked the obvious rapport and affection between the sisters- in - law.
I thought that Ted Walsh Junior, seen in the earlier clip with daughter Rosie, looks very like his dad , seen in the later video?
Right, I am away to my bed......
Talk tomorrow.
20737 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th April 2018, 06:59
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here!
Glad you liked the clip.
I suspect the flowers etc were meant to be for Katie but then Nina announced her retirement and they made it a joint one!
Two great girls, and they are close!
And a good bit of banter with Jamie Codd!
I was hoping to see a bit of wee Rosie, but no.
Nina was very complimentary about the younger girls following in their footsteps, too.
So, I am going to watch BGT shortly and see what I think!
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29th April 2018, 09:43
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a dull and cold day here.
The maximum temperature reached will only be 8C!
A tad nippy out early on!
I am drinking a piping hot coffee to warm me up!
How did you like BGT?
I liked the young girl, Amy , near the beginning. she was very nervous but sang beautifully.
I also thought the "fantasy illusionist" was very slick - I have no idea how it was done!
The older lady, Mandy, who was a comic magician was unusual.....that was both funny and clever.
But my favourite by far, was the father and son singing act from Norwich!
They even wrote their own song!
And Simon awarded them the Golden Buzzer and went up on the stage!
A very worthy act!
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29th April 2018, 10:17
Hello, Elle!
It appears that we liked the same acts!
Amy was very good!
I liked Lexi and Christopher dancing, too.
The illusionist was very clever.
No idea how it was done, but that's the way it should be!
I liked Mandy, too.
But Jack and Dad were great!
They reminded me of Simon and Garfunkel.
They were the best act for me and rightly deserved the Golden Buzzer, I think.
Overall, it was a good show with some sparkling acts and some who were awful!
Very BGT, in other words!
Well, I am all ready for my wee outing with La Bamba.
Off to Pine Cone soon.
20740 of 30765  -   Report This Post